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#1 2011-08-12 12:47:15

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry


after backing up my mails with offlineimap I tried to import the folder in Kmail2. I selected maildir at the access tab in the settings and chose the folder. I now have a folder called "akonadi_maildir_resource 01" but it contains nothing. I then deleted the maildir entry but the folder is still there, evena after rebooting.

1. How can I get rid of this folder
2. Why doesn't maildir work?

Last edited by thms (2011-08-12 13:13:19)


#2 2011-08-12 13:11:16

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Ok, I tried it again and at the third attempt it worked - I have the maildir folder imported.

But now I have "akonadi_maildir_resource 01" and "akonadi_maildir_resource 03" in my tree and still don't know how to delete "akonadi_maildir_resource 01"


#3 2011-08-12 13:41:23

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

So, now I had to delete "akonadi_maildir_resource 03" because it was empty after restarting kmail2.


#4 2011-08-12 19:03:09

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 52

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Can you delete these resources from the akonadi configuration control module? You can access it from System Settings > Personal Information or by typing akonadi into krunner (alt+f2).


#5 2011-08-13 08:59:24

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

No, it's not listed there.


#6 2011-08-13 12:34:03

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 52

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

thms wrote:

No, it's not listed there.

Are you saying that the resources appear in kmail, but not in the akonadi configuration module? That's very odd.

In that case, we can try one more thing. We can use the akonadi console to remove the resources. Be very careful as this is a tool meant to be used by the developers for debugging and not really designed for users. Start it by typing akonadi console into krunner. Here, you should see all the resources available to akonadi. Click on the mail resources that you want akonadi to forget and click remove. That should get rid of them once and for all.


#7 2011-08-13 13:49:19

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Yes it is listed in kmail but not in the akonadi configuration module. It's also not working in kmail.

Do I need a package for akonadi console?

Typing this into krunner doesn't do anything.

Last edited by thms (2011-08-13 13:49:32)


#8 2011-08-13 20:53:44

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 52

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

$ pacman -Qo `which akonadiconsole`
/usr/bin/akonadiconsole is owned by kdepim-akonadiconsole 4.7.0-1


#9 2011-08-14 12:11:22

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Under the tab "agents" it isn't listed, too.

It is shown under "browser" but there's no way to delete it (but I was happy because I could rename the working one smile ).


#10 2011-08-23 13:32:12

Registered: 2010-02-01
Posts: 120

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Any ideas?


#11 2011-08-24 12:22:29

Registered: 2008-08-10
Posts: 52

Re: Kmail2: can't get rid of an not working entry

Hmm, not really.

You could consider starting fresh... If you're up for it, make a backup of everything stored in akonadi somewhere, log out of kde and do this from a console:

rm ~/.kde4/share/config/akonadi*
rm -r ~/.local/share/akonadi
rm -r ~/.config/akonadi

The first is the KDE configs directory and akonadi stores the setups of all failed and current resources you set up in the form of rc files. You'll be deleting any file that starts with akonadi there. Leave the other rc files untouched — all your kde settings are here.

The second directory is where akonadi stores its database and things like your emails. There are other directories in ~/.local/share like contacts, notes, local-mail that store various other info. You may or may not delete them. Calendars are stored in the old location (~/.kde4/share/apps/korganizer/), but you may have changed it to something else manually. These directories are optional. If you want to delete them, sure. If you don't, that works, too.

(I almost forgot this. If you want to really start fresh, you probably want to delete anything that starts with or contains "mail" in ~/.kde4/share/apps and ~/.kde4/share/config. These files will be kmail2's way of storing your identities and outgoing email accounts. They might cause some trouble later on, or they might not. I haven't tested without deleting them.)

The third directory is where akonadi stores its specific configuration files. With this done, akonadi should start at square one when you log in.

Now, you can carefully add each resource and hopefully, you won't have weird things happen.

When I had a rocky start with akonadi, I went in and deleted everything I could find that had anything to do with akonadi or its member applications. I deleted the config files and app directories of kmail, kmail2, kjots, korganizer, knotes, kabc(?) and everything that mentioned akonadi, emails, contacts, calendars, whatever in its name. I only did this once and the clean start did the trick for me.

Bonus: You can disable the nepomuk-akonadi nexus by deleting the nepomuk email feeder (usually, this is what people get irritated with) in akonadiconsole. You can re-add this resource at any time from there. Be careful with it as it's meant to be a dev tool and not for end users.


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