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Hello there,
I have an old Bluetooth keyboard that was originally intended to be used for one of those Palm PDAs that came out like six or eight years ago. I successfully paired this device with my Laptop (Thinkpad X60t). However, the only service exhibited by this device is "SPP slave". The keyboard doesn't identify as a HID, as it seems. I don't know the exact model; it's one of those foldable models by GeneralKeys.
Using sudo cat /dev/rfcomm0, I can verify that key presses on the keyboard actually reach my laptop. However it's all gibberish, e.g. pressing the sequence hjkl<enter> results in the string (g)h*i+j.m being output. Is there any way to somehow to convert/attach this device's output so that I can use the keyboard as a proper HID?
...Is there any way to somehow to convert/attach this device's output so that I can use the keyboard as a proper HID?
I am not familiar with the device, but from your description, I would say it is unlikely. Your device appears to be using an SPP (Serial Port Protocol); It is much simpler than a HID implementation.
You might look to see if the system creates an event interface in /dev/input when you associate the keyboard. If so, it may be possible to do something with evdev.
I cannot offer any suggestions, except that it would make an interesting project.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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