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#1 2011-08-23 09:39:26

Registered: 2011-06-29
Posts: 17

java7 vs. libreoffice 3.4 340m1(Build:203) - switch jdk6/7


I wonder whether there's a way to switch between java6 and java7 on my development machine. I use LibreOffice for some development documentation but I have to ensure compatibility with Java7 with some of my projects. LibreOffice however is not able to support Java7 (bad development practice smile).

Currently I have Java7 installed.

wishi@kage ~/source/scripts % yaourt -S jdk6
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: jre6 and jre are in conflict (java-runtime). Remove jre? [y/N] y
:: jdk6 and jdk are in conflict (java-environment). Remove jdk? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: intellij-idea-ultimate-edition: requires jdk
:: pycharm: requires jdk

On Debian based systems there's always something like update-alternatives to softlink and export the appropriate jdk environment into PATH. Is there a similar solution for Arch with pacman/AUR?


Last edited by windsheep (2011-08-23 09:40:37)


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