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#1 2011-08-30 18:57:39

Registered: 2008-11-10
Posts: 35

Quicklaunch opens desktop files with kate [SOLVED]

Hi guys,

Since a few weeks ago, I'm suffering a pretty weird problem related to Quickalunch plasmoid. Whenever a click on an icon it opens the desktop file I have clicked on with Kate, rather than the selected application itself. I have waited for sometime just in case it was something that gets fixed by upgrading the system, but it doesn't. Out of curiosity, I have removed the whole home directory content of my test user, including hidden ones, log-in and see whether the problem happens with it too, and surprisingly guys, it happens the pretty same weird thing!!

What I have noticed, and I think this might be the root of the problem, that if I go to the /usr/share/applications/ directory and click on any desktop file, it gets opened by Kate. So, I have checked out in System Config ---> File Associtions whether Kate or anything else is bound to *.desktop files, but 'None' is shown. Thus, do you know how I could solve this problem?

Thanks you very much for your support. wink

Last edited by Musikolo (2011-08-30 19:13:50)


#2 2011-08-30 19:13:36

Registered: 2008-11-10
Posts: 35

Re: Quicklaunch opens desktop files with kate [SOLVED]

Hi guys,

In the end I have found the solution here: … 89#p465989

All I have had to do is to reinstall the shared-mime-info package

pacman -S shared-mime-info

Somehow, mimes files got messed up!

I hope it helps anyone else! smile


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