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#1 2011-09-01 04:49:19

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 33

nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

I set up my dual monitor in nvidia settings and specified that my main monitor was to the right of my secondary monitor. When I restart they switch places as in the left monitor now thinks it is on the right and the right monitor thinks it is on the left. I can tell this because I have to move my mouse left to get to the right monitor. However the xfce panel stays on the correct monitor! This is easily fixed by going into nvidia-settings and setting up the positioning again. Is there a way to make this stick? I already tried opening the program as root and saving the settings there. Thanks!


#2 2011-09-01 05:27:18

Registered: 2011-08-21
Posts: 77

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

Are you auto-starting nvidia-settings --load-config-only after saving the setting in nvidia-settings?

Last edited by cbowman57 (2011-09-01 05:28:13)


#3 2011-09-01 12:47:22

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 33

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

No I have not heard of that until now. Do I put that in a file somewhere, like .xsession? Thanks for the reply!


#4 2011-09-01 13:57:25

Registered: 2011-08-21
Posts: 77

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

With gnome it's just a matter of creating an entry in Startup Applications (gnome-session-properties) all you need to do is create a launcher (something.desktop file) & place it in ~/.config/autostart.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=nvidia-settings --load-config-only
Comment[en_US]=Loads Nvidia config only
Comment=Loads Nvidia config only

You can create it with alacarte, or gnome-session-properties, or copy that code and save it to a file & use that.  I don't know what some DE's & WM's capabilities are but I think this is a freedesktop standard.

I don't use TwinView so I'm really curious to know if this works for you.


#5 2011-09-01 16:20:27

Registered: 2009-10-08
Posts: 33

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

I will give it a try when I get home from work and let you know. Thanks for the quick reply. When you say you don't use twin view, do you mean to say you use separate X screens? Can you drag windows between them? I read that you could not and that is the functionality I want.


#6 2011-09-01 16:41:08

Registered: 2011-08-21
Posts: 77

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

No, I only have a single monitor but according to a wiki I came across the settings have to be loaded this way to take effect.  The way it was presented made me think it was a necessity even for a single monitor.

So, following that train of thought, if it's required to make the nvidia driver read in the settings, it only makes sense that it would be required for multiple monitors.  I may be reading into it, but I think at times the authors of the blogs & wikis don't make things as clear as they think they do. wink

So, it may be exactly what you need for your multi-monitor setup, or it will blow my conclusion right out the window.  Will be looking forward to your findings this evening.

Last edited by cbowman57 (2011-09-01 16:41:52)


#7 2011-09-01 17:11:22

From: Great White North
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 881

Re: nvidia settings does not save dual monitor settings correctly

I've used the twinview and separate X sessions options at various times and I know for a fact that with separate X sessions you cannot drag windows from one monitor to another, it's a physical impossibility.  Twinview will allow you to do that as X sees your desktop as one big desktop spanning 2 monitors.


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