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#1 2011-09-01 18:47:04

From: Luzern
Registered: 2011-09-01
Posts: 68

Error creating filesystem dm_crypt (Error creating filesystem lvm-lv)

I'm new to Arch and I've tried to to a new installation on my notebook. I followed the "Official Arch Linux Installation Guide", chapter "Manually configure block devices, filesystems and mountpoints" in order to create my encrypted disk setup.

Created 2 partitions: sda1 250MB for boot (bootable), sda2 rest of the disk

The installer quits the creration of the file system with the error "Error creating filesystem dm_crypt on /dev/sda2". I don't get why and I did not found any information in the forum about this.

I've sent a bug report, so you can check the content here:

The installer log shows "[DEBUG UI ] show_warning 'process_filesystem error': Error creating filesystem lvm-lv on /dev/mapper/cryptgroup. (msg)"

Last edited by lasombra (2011-09-01 19:12:35)


#2 2011-09-01 19:42:22

From: Luzern
Registered: 2011-09-01
Posts: 68

Re: Error creating filesystem dm_crypt (Error creating filesystem lvm-lv)

Mhh I've redone the whole creation of the volumes and when I have chosen less space for the home partition (550000 MB instead of 555243MiB) the installation went fine.
40000MiB for cryptroot
15000MiB for cryptvar
555243MiB for crypthome
-> 610243MiB used.

610245MiB is the disk space for  /dev/sda2

Therefore I would assume that 555243MiB for crypthome is ok.

Did I missed something?


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