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#1 2011-09-01 22:44:18

Registered: 2009-04-11
Posts: 16

[SOLVED] Mouse -- multiple click events from single click

I'm running up-to-date Arch (installed via ArchBang) with Logitech Mouse M100 on Dell Inspiron 530.  Don't have another mouse or computer for substitution testing, but problem exists on Arch but not on MS Vista on same box.  Primarily noted on Google Chrome/Chromium 13.0.782.218, using web apps.

Within the past few days, I ***think*** an Arch update made my mouse likely to produce two or three mouse button events on ***both*** left and right mouse buttons for each button press, intermittently.  Scroll wheel works normally.

Mouse buttons seem to be fine on Vista.

Searched Arch Wiki, Arch Forums, and did google searches for xorg mouse issues.  Only relevant info I found suggested that I really had a hardware problem that could only be cured by carefully disassembling the button microswitches and re-bending the thin springs.

The only reason I wonder about this being a hardware problem is that the problem started with both buttons at the same time and the mouse seems to work fine on Windows.

So, was this a coincidental hardware problem and the Windows Vista mouse drivers are more tolerant of the switch bounce?  Was a mouse driver issue introduced in Arch recently?  Have I missed a way to config xorg to be more tolerant of switch bounce?  Alternatives?

Last edited by secdroid (2011-09-02 14:20:09)


#2 2011-09-02 14:19:10

Registered: 2009-04-11
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Mouse -- multiple click events from single click

Replaced mouse with same Logitech M100 model.  Turns out that multiple click issue was due to worn hardware.  It would appear that the Windows Vista mouse drivers are somewhat more forgiving of switch bounce than the xorg drivers.

Maybe I should spend more for a mouse next time...  ;-)


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