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#1 2011-09-02 15:45:53

Registered: 2011-09-02
Posts: 1

Black (and white, and purple) boxes around application buttons[SOLVED]

I've recently had issues with my Intel graphics chipset (i915) ignoring the alpha channel of application buttons, either rendering the backgrounds for them as black, white, or occasionally purple, depending on (I assume) what the RGB channels are set to. the effect is purely cosmetic, but very irritating.

I blame something in the Intel graphics software stack, as when using the ATI card in my laptop (switchable graphics ftw), the problem goes away.

I'm using xmonad with the axiomd gtk2 theme. Screenshot of the strange behavior

Edit: The same behavior does not happen in qt apps.

Edit #2: If I switch to using xfce4 instead of xmonad, the problem also disappears.

Edit #3: Apparently, having DISPLAY=0:0 causes the intel chipset drivers to ignore the transparency, but not radeon. I removed said line from my xinitrc and my icons have returned to normal.

Last edited by grid_bug (2011-09-03 00:35:31)


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