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#1 2011-09-04 04:36:59

Registered: 2011-05-18
Posts: 61

[SOLVED]Thinkfan_acpi not supporting fan_control

Edit: had to disable intel_agp, but fan came up fine and is following thinkfan.conf rules. Haven't tried ati_agp yet. This is a Thinkpad R60 Intel 1.83 core 2 duo / x1400 ATI machine.

I can't seem to figure this out. I reformatted my disk and partitions and now am struggling to get fan control working again.  Modprobe, modprobe.d/modprobe.conf, rc.conf, # modprobe all seem to fail. I had this working initially, both via /etc/thinkfan.conf and echoing to /proc/acpi/ibm/fan manually, but something seems to have changed, possibly rebuilding mkinitcpio after installing uswsusp and fbsplash.

This is the vanilla 3.0 kernel. I'll compile a stripped-down one later and see if that helps at all (chance in hell)

# /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf (for v2.6 kernels)
# Enables fan control daemon
options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1

####### mkinitcpio.conf######
# The following modules are loaded before any boot hooks are
# run.  Advanced users may wish to specify all system modules
# in this array.  For instance:
#     MODULES="piix ide_disk reiserfs"
MODULES="intel_agp radeon"

# error.log#

Sep  3 20:06:38 myhost thinkfan: Module thinkpad_acpi doesn't seem to support fan_control
Sep  3 20:18:53 myhost thinkfan: Module thinkpad_acpi doesn't seem to support fan_control
Sep  3 20:19:13 myhost thinkfan: Module thinkpad_acpi doesn't seem to support fan_control

[root@myhost modprobe.d]# modprobe thinkpad_acpi fancontrol=1
[root@myhost modprobe.d]# modprobe thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1
[root@myhost modprobe.d]# /etc/rc.d/thinkfan stop && /etc/rc.d/thinkfan start
:: Stopping thinkfan                                                          [BUSY] /etc/rc.d/thinkfan: line 21: /var/run/ No such file or directory
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
:: Starting thinkfan                                                          [FAIL]
[root@myhost modprobe.d]# echo epic fail

Is this a conflict with radeon or intel_agp? For whatever reason I just can't seem to get this working again.

Last edited by nathan28 (2011-09-04 15:42:40)

in the beginning was the switch operator


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