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Lenovo laptops reverse the usual positions of the Function and Control keys (see this photo). It seems like a minor problem, but it is very frustrating.
How can I swap these keys? I have tried various xmodmap configurations (some based on the examples provided in the manual and some based on this eerily similar question), but nothing seems to work.
Additional information
Fn keycode: 151, Fn name: XF86WakeUp
Left Control keycode: 37, Left Control name: Control_L
Thanks in advance, best community ever.
Enter the bios.
Select swap Fn and Control.
Ponder why you got a Thinkpad, then (optionally) swap them back.
Ponder why you got a Thinkpad, then (optionally) swap them back.
Free laptop from work. The hardware interface isn't great, but I'm not complaining. :-)
Anyway, that worked beautifully. Thanks for the tip!