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Hello to everyone! I feel a bit shy posting my work, since many of the other projects here are so beautiful and skillfully crafted, but here goes...
laitePLAY is (sigh) yet another musicplayer, that I have been working on past months just for myself, but I guess it starts to be quite stable, so perhaps somebody else would be interested. The catch in this player is it's keyboard-heavy UI through command prompt, having still visuals from Gtk. I really love gmusicbrowser, but ever since switching to Arch and awesome some time ago, I have slowly tried to get rid of using mouse unless I really have to. After trying many terminal-based music players I decided none of them could match gmusicbrowser (I can't live anymore without weighted random!), so I began to build my UI around that, and learning Perl while I was doing it, so please don't make fun of my sources
Main differences to gmusicbrowser:
* laitePLAY has 3 'forced layouts' to choose from (minimal/default/fullscreen)
* most of the work can be done by simple keyboard commands
* it takes strong use of my plugin 'albumrandom' for gmusicbrowser, so you can use weighted random to play your favourite albums as well as tracks.
Pictures! They tell more than my babbling.
Suggestions appear as you type (sorry for big image)
Should you want to try this out, you can find it in my github:
I strongly suggest downloading 'source', since I only put some arbitary versiontags as a milestone for myself. Just download to anywhere and run 'perl'
Here is a straight download link:
If you're interested in more, the README in github should be quite comprehensive, but I'll follow this topic and try to answer what I could.
Pages: 1