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#1 2011-09-08 15:22:56

Package Maintainer (PM)
Registered: 2007-02-22
Posts: 647

Crossfehde - simple animated backgrounds


Depends: imagemagick and feh

Use: <resolution> <seconds> <directory>

Example: 1280x1024 60 ~/backgrounds

This was a dumb little script I hacked up last night.  I'm giving it a C- grade, that is to say it works fine but it is too inefficient for practical use.  You'll want to disable it (or at least slow the update rate) if you are on battery.

What does it do?  Pretty OSX/Gnome/KDE style background rotation with gentle cross fades between images.  The downside is that it is slow and CPU hungry.  Most of this is from the Imagemagick calls.  (No, graphicsmagick is not faster.  It does not even have the feature needed.  Graphicsmagick can not fade two images on the command line.)

My one idea to get around the performance drag is to use OpenGL and off-screen rendering to generate the fade.  Or port it to Python and see if PIL is a smidge faster.  Though I really hoped I've reinvented the wheel here, rather would use someone else's much faster app.

Thanks to woldrich for testing and finding a bug.


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