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#1 2011-09-18 10:41:59

Dennis Beekman
From: Klippenweg 2B 7622EV Borne
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 60

Pulseaudio works...but how do i get my seperate channels back.

Since i wish to run teamspeak and WoW in Wine at the same time i installed pulseaudio.
Eventhough pulseaudio works... i no longer have the seperate channel for "Master, Front, Speaker, Beep, enz, enz" i now only have the master channel and one input channel aswell instead of seperate one for the front mic-in and build in mic.

Is there anyway for me to get these channels back when using pulseaudio ?
I used to be able to disable the speaker but leave the volume for the headset the same and this cannot be done now.


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