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#1 2011-09-19 18:46:16

Registered: 2011-09-16
Posts: 17

[Solved] Virtualbox "Cannot change owner vboxadd..." FAIL on boot...

Hi.  A search here revealed nothing about this, so for my own convenience as much as anything, I'll post the solution I googled here.  Having just installed Virtualbox, I was getting the following error on boot-up;

(Cannot change owner vboxadd:1 for device /dev/vboxguest)

This apparently is a Virtualbox bug where it forgets the setup stuff concerning user 'vboxadd' - the full explanation & solution is here - … 09897.html - or just the solution, execute the following as root;

useradd -d /var/run/vboxadd -g 1 -r -s /bin/sh vboxadd


#2 2011-09-19 19:02:07

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: [Solved] Virtualbox "Cannot change owner vboxadd..." FAIL on boot...

That's a pretty old bug ... Fixes like this should go to the wiki
First, check if you followed the setup as it's suggested in the wiki.


#3 2011-09-19 19:26:09

Registered: 2011-09-16
Posts: 17

Re: [Solved] Virtualbox "Cannot change owner vboxadd..." FAIL on boot...

Gotta admit I never came across that Wiki page in my VBox-search, though  I googled several other Arch pages concerning it!   That page you sited seems to be all that's needed, so feel free to delete this thread.  My problem is that there seems to be a mammoth amount of Arch-related material available - which is not much of a problem when you think about it! smile


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