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#1 2011-09-20 13:16:22

From: Kosice, Slovakia
Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 43

[SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

Hi everyone.

First of all, I jumped on this Arch Linux train just yesterday, installed it on my home notebook. Was impressed, first thing in the morning, I re-installed my office box. And that is just funny as I was trying Fedora 15 for a week now smile I always wanted to try Arch, tried it twice but failed to even install. On third time I was finally successful, at home on lvm2, on office box raid1 + lvm2.

I'm so far absolutely amazed with Arch, pacman is unbelievable, I'm used to apt, then tried yum last week (impressed also) but this is just blazing. And also AUR and yaourt, it reminds me ebuilds from my Gentoo times long ago, but joining 2 worlds together, binary packages with sources. Hope that I will stay with Arch for a long time, I just used to rolling release from Linux Mint, but this [Arch] has it also and even more (bleeding edge, netbeans 7.0.1 as package phew !!).

Ok, back to topic:

Gnome shell is installed completely, one thing is different as I'm used to and that is window resizing. Since window borders are thin, I was used to alt + middle click. But this somehow does not work yet on my box. Don't know if it's Xorg thing or Gnome shell configuration.

Any help will be appreciated.

Last edited by edke (2011-09-23 14:12:33)


#2 2011-09-20 15:42:05

Wiki Maintainer
From: Portland, ME
Registered: 2008-04-11
Posts: 158

Re: [SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

Have you checked the Wiki (i.e. GNOME: Middle mouse button)?

edke wrote:

On third time I was finally successful, at home on lvm2, on office box raid1 + lvm2.

I recently revised the content on RAID+LVM on the Wiki and created the RAID and Software RAID and LVM articles. I'd appreciate it if you could review them for errors. If you have any general questions or comments pertaining to the pages please create a section on the applicable discussion page.


#3 2011-09-20 17:48:35

From: Kosice, Slovakia
Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 43

Re: [SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

filam wrote:

Have you checked the Wiki (i.e. GNOME: Middle mouse button)?

Yes, I tried that setting but no effect, maybe because I have only unmodified xorg.conf?


#4 2011-09-20 19:37:24

Wiki Maintainer
From: Portland, ME
Registered: 2008-04-11
Posts: 158

Re: [SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

edke wrote:
filam wrote:

Have you checked the Wiki (i.e. GNOME: Middle mouse button)?

Yes, I tried that setting but no effect, maybe because I have only unmodified xorg.conf?

I doubt it has something to do with your Xorg configuration. I realize it's not helpful if you've already been looking for a while, but there are thousands of hits including the thread "[Gnome 3] Move/resize with alt+mouse button not working", although that was never solved. You might want to consider e-mailing the OP. Also make sure the keys/buttons are working properly with xev.

Also, the impression that I'm getting is that the binding may be done by Compiz and not Gnome, but that doesn't match up with everything I've read (e.g. the above thread).

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but I haven't used Gnome in years. Good luck! And make sure to post any solution you find to the Wiki.


#5 2011-09-21 09:11:32

From: Kosice, Slovakia
Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 43

Re: [SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

filam wrote:
edke wrote:
filam wrote:

Have you checked the Wiki (i.e. GNOME: Middle mouse button)?

Yes, I tried that setting but no effect, maybe because I have only unmodified xorg.conf?

I doubt it has something to do with your Xorg configuration. I realize it's not helpful if you've already been looking for a while, but there are thousands of hits including the thread "[Gnome 3] Move/resize with alt+mouse button not working", although that was never solved. You might want to consider e-mailing the OP. Also make sure the keys/buttons are working properly with xev.

Also, the impression that I'm getting is that the binding may be done by Compiz and not Gnome, but that doesn't match up with everything I've read (e.g. the above thread).

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help, but I haven't used Gnome in years. Good luck! And make sure to post any solution you find to the Wiki.

Well interesting is, that it works out of the box on my home notebook. Same installation process, same configuration, same packages. Only difference is that I have ati in notebook and nvidia in officebox but don't think that it's related.


#6 2011-09-23 14:14:29

From: Kosice, Slovakia
Registered: 2011-09-20
Posts: 43

Re: [SOLVED] Resizing windows in Gnome shell using alt + middle click

YES, metacity install solved the problem, thanx to this post: … 34#p994134


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