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#1 2011-09-20 16:28:34

From: Belgium
Registered: 2008-06-22
Posts: 1,490

VArious problems with intel graphic card

There is an old regarding part of this subject with no improvement. I have a 943/940GML graphic card. Normally the frame rate should synchronize with vfresh but it does not seems to works well: glxgears is not smooth at all unless you move the mouse on the windows. Running it with

 <option name="vblank_mode" value="0" /> 

fix the problem.

Apart from that I get better performance with the lts 2.6.32 kernel than with 3.0. This is noticeable (I have less CPU time when I let googleearth rotate the earth).

I had several problems with this driver. I have:

Option     "DebugWait" "on"  in xorg.conf (otherwise fonts are broken)
options i915 powersave=0 in modprobe.conf (otherwise the screen blink every minute or so)
the problem with dri mentioned.

Moreover each time I upgrade my system, there is one chance out of two that a new regression will appear. What is it with this driver? Why can't the devs secure a stable version? I know I should report bugs upstream but I am tired now. This is a permanent alpha driver.


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