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#1 2011-09-28 03:59:20

Registered: 2011-09-28
Posts: 1

Wide screen not cooperating with RT Kernel

OK so new archer here (well sorta new) semi-experienced Linux and BSD user.

I do audio production on Linux.  Used to use Fedora plus Planet CCRMA repos.

New Arch machine, everything running great, I used the Arch-Audio repos to install the realtime kernel (RTPAE) and that worked fine but my video did not work, to be specific it worked but does not properly recognize my monitor and widescreen is not an option.

Here is what I have done so far.  I noticed there was a package from the arch-audio repos to install an NVIDIA module that matched my kernel.  So I installed that, in the process of that had to install the NVIDIA driver for the non RT kernel and that meant removing libgl (had to do an -Rdd to get libgl removed).  When I boot to the real time kernel video is still a no go.  DBUS and HAL are enabled the NVIDIA module is loaded (and I have tried manually loading it as well).

Now I am pretty sure the stock kernel with some PAM and changes to limits.conf will probably be enough for my real time usage with Jack but I want to also test the real time kernel itself to see how well it does.  Any idea why this is happening.   Let me know what additional info I need to provide.



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