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UPDATE: I updated the package util-linux and now the problem is gone.
Let's see if i can explain this problem..
I have a rule for udev that auto-mount removable media by label, it has been working nice for a long time, both mounting and umounting usb sticks and CF/SD-cards in a card reader. But i recently got a new camera and bought a new fast sdhc card. My old udev rule takes care of the mounting just fine, i can both read/write to the new card, but when i pull out the card reader the problem starts, it does not get umonted and the created mountpoint does not get deleted.
My PC get busy and sluggish and the logs start to pile up with errors, one line every second in both errors.log and daemon.log until i reboot, like those below:
Oct 3 18:47:22 localhost udevd[333]: timeout: killing '/bin/umount -l /media/usbhd-sdg1' [1250]
Oct 3 18:47:23 localhost udevd[333]: timeout: killing '/bin/umount -l /media/usbhd-sdg1' [1250]daemon.log
Oct 3 18:47:22 localhost udevd[333]: timeout: killing '/bin/umount -l /media/usbhd-sdg1' [1250]
Oct 3 18:47:23 localhost udevd[333]: timeout: killing '/bin/umount -l /media/usbhd-sdg1' [1250]
My responsible udev rule looks like this:
KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
# Import FS infos
IMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p %N"
# Get a label if present, otherwise specify one
ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}!="", ENV{dir_name}="%E{ID_FS_LABEL}"
ENV{ID_FS_LABEL}=="", ENV{dir_name}="usbhd-%k"
# Global mount options
ACTION=="add", ENV{mount_options}="relatime"
# Filesystem-specific mount options
ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat|ntfs", ENV{mount_options}="$env{mount_options},utf8,shortname=lower,gid=100,umask=002"
# Mount the device
ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/mount -o $env{mount_options} /dev/%k /media/%E{dir_name}"
# Clean up after removal
ACTION=="remove", ENV{dir_name}!="", RUN+="/bin/umount -l /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/rmdir /media/%E{dir_name}"
# Exit
And as i wrote, it works just nice with usb-sticks, CF and plain old SD cards, it is only with this new sdhc card there are problems with the "# Clean up after removal".
UPDATE: I updated the package util-linux and now the problem is gone.
Last edited by steelneck (2011-10-04 13:39:39)
Pages: 1