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I'm stuck with Grub boot after installing x86-64 on a SD drive from live-CD (USB) (I know this is possible since I did it on another machine, i686 though). The drives on live CD are sda, sdb (the USB stick) and sdc
I'm installing Grub boot to sdc of course
It seems to go wrong already in menu.lst where # device name conversions says
/dev/fd0 (fd0)
/dev/sda (hd0)
/dev/sdb2 (hd1,1)
/dev/sda3 (hd0,2)
and the default (0) boot says
root (hd0,2)
After booting the error I get is
root (hd2,0)
Error 21: Selected disk does not exist
A little strange I find is that the /boot/grub/ file is missing on the SD drive. Even stranger is that the /dev folder is almost empty, shouldn't it be auto-created by the installer?
How can I debug this?
Don't know if is of interest but I manually assigned the partitions and did not make a seperate /boot partition, the folder is on the / partition... ?
Can this somehow be related to the fact that GRUB2 is required if there's no seperate /boot partition? On the live CD installer grub-install -v says
Solved - after hours of debugging! Arch doesn't by default have USB in the HOOKUP in ramfs... found it in the end in some of the wikis but it surely wasn't easy to guess/find
Pages: 1