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After loading initrd in LiveUSB system is doing nothing. Please, help me understand how to see errors. Archlinux is lasted. (2011 08 ). Live usb wrote by command 'sudo dd if=archiso.iso of=/dev/sdb'. Syslinux boot fine.
Edit again:
Upgrading this old arch install from 2007 was as easy (or as hard) as landing on the moon, still trying to get it right...
I found an old arch iso image and it works. Look at this link, install and then upgrade the system with pacman: … o/download
A bit of a shame though that the new arch installer does not work well on older hardware.
I have the same issue on my old i686 laptop (Compaq Presario 2100) from 2004. Syslinux boots, but there is no response to any keyboard input (exept from the auto boot count down stops when a key is pressed), and if I let the auto boot count down finish it will start loading from the installation media but instantly hangs with the following on the screen:
Loading /arch/boot/i686/vmlinuz.....
Loading /arch/boot/i686/archiso.img...................ready.
Have tried both i686 netinstall and core iso and both using cd and usb as installation media with same result.
This laptop was running arch before (did the last installation i may 2011) and installed fine with the pre 20011.08.19 installer.
Last edited by zkeng (2011-10-08 17:48:09)
I had the same problem. I formatted a flash drive (not quick format, under Windows) and tried to dd again, and boot it.
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