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#1 2011-10-09 08:44:28

From: Portland, OR, USA
Registered: 2011-05-21
Posts: 545

[solved] whats my prob cant run ossmix

when logged in as a user, bash cant run

$ ossmix

in cli. Its returning 55 lines of terminal output instead of the gui.  what did i forget?  tutorial for dummies please.

Last edited by wolfdogg (2011-10-11 03:48:56)

Node.js, PHP Software Architect and Engineer (Full-Stack/DevOps)
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#2 2011-10-09 11:36:55

Forum Fellow
From: Germany
Registered: 2009-02-17
Posts: 2,281

Re: [solved] whats my prob cant run ossmix

In order to get useful help you should show us this terminal output.

To know or not to know ...
... the questions remain forever.


#3 2011-10-09 12:09:20

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2010-01-18
Posts: 82

Re: [solved] whats my prob cant run ossmix


Last edited by STEELBAS (2011-10-09 12:09:56)


#4 2011-10-10 20:58:26

From: Portland, OR, USA
Registered: 2011-05-21
Posts: 545

Re: [solved] whats my prob cant run ossmix

hehe, that was it.  thanks. I never used the command line mixer, so it was confusing when it came up.  i guess i was looking for the gui. I knew it was the wrong command, just couldnt remember the correct spelling.  and when you google ossmix, you got everybody else making the same mistake , and when i read the wiki, it never made it to an actual code line with code tags and when i skimmed through the article, my brain must have been blocking out that extra x when i skimmed thru it a few times.  Thanks. 

Maybe the wiki should include a code block with that command in it before the Start ossxmix docked to systray on startupsection

Oss Mixer

$ ossxmix

Well i edited the wiki, its a bit more clear now.

Last edited by wolfdogg (2011-10-10 21:14:00)

Node.js, PHP Software Architect and Engineer (Full-Stack/DevOps)
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