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First excuse my awfull English
I'm new to Arch and KDE, I've been using some GNOME distros before, like Fedora, but now that almost all the distros switched to GNOME3, I moved to Arch Linux and KDE,
In Gnome I used Gedit for almost all my development work (Just a hobby, I'm a teen who is learning, nothing serious), Gedit has some great AddOns and themes, like code Snippets, Embbed terminals, and so.
But now... I don't know if install Gedit in my KDE setup or use a native KDE tool like Kate.
I'm not a big fan of KDE software, but I'm trying to use GTK Apps the less.
Also I thougt in VIM and Emacs, but that's too much for me to learn at the moment, I want to center in programming for now.
Any recomendations ? I also program in C++ some times, but I want to learn Python well before do the jump to C++.
So... what tool should I use ? Which one do you use ?
It might be an overkill and somewhat bloated, but have you tried Eclipse? for C++ you can use eclipse-cdt in the repos, for python eclipse-pydev in the aur
Best Testing Repo Warning: [testing] means it can eat you hamster, catch fire and you should keep it away from children. And I'm serious here, it's not an April 1st joke.
@dysoco: You will have to work with the tool, and thus only you can know what's the best tool for you. No one can choose an editor for you. Just use whatever you like most and do not care for the toolkit of your editor.
Kate is much alike to GEdit. It has all the standard editor features, good syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, and a bunch of extensions for programmers, including code snippets, symbol browser and more. It certainly isn't a bad tool for Python programming, and nothing stands against using it.
Aside of these, there are also cream, geany, scite and much more, all suitable for programming. There are even fully fledged IDEs like Eclipse with Pydev or Eric. All of them are actively used, through Emacs and VIM are by far the most popular editors amongst Python programmers on Linux (probably even on all OS).
Btw, if you dislike KDE and its applications, why are you using it?! Not meaning to start a flame war, just being curious
Last edited by lunar (2011-10-11 10:47:56)
Btw, if you dislike KDE and its applications, why are you using it?! Not meaning to start a flame war, just being curious
Because I love KDE Plasma, but not KDE Applications... I'm trying to customize XFCE, I even tried Xmonad, etc. but I just want a DE that works, and KDE Works
NinjaIDE looks very good, It's an IDE, not an Editor, but I will try it:
pydev plugin for Eclipse for Python
eclipe-cdt plugin for C/C++
(or just vim in a terminal)
Really, it's not to hard to get the basics down im vim/meacs, despite what the hateboys will telly you.
Last edited by Mr.Elendig (2011-10-11 19:22:23)
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
Those ninja people are so ninja, they even manage to hide the real screenshots. Their KI must be strong.
I rekon emacs is pretty good - I've only just started using it, and have only written a bit of perl in it, but I also use emacs in text mode to take lecture notes. It's honestly not that hard - sure, there are a lot of commands to learn, but you can afford to pick them up slowly, because there is always a menu-based way to do things (or help files). I've just printed a list of commands and stuck it in front of my desk, and I'm slowly learning them as I use emacs for my normal editor stuff.
I used eclipse with pydev for a little while, was a little too big (like, in screen real estate, I have a netbook) and now I'm using gvim/vim. Especially since gvim has some mouse support it's not hard at all to get into, and slowly learn new vim commands.
maby you would like to try eric sice it's a qt app
maby you would like to try eric sice it's a qt app
I tried to use eric once, but the mascot troll creature freaked me out too much...