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#1 2011-10-11 11:31:29

Registered: 2011-10-11
Posts: 8

Slow USB transfer speeds after gvfs-mount

Can't seem to figure this out. I have a pretty vanilla Arch + Xfce 4.8 install (Thunar, gvfs, gvfs-afc, libimobile device all installed). My issue is with USB transfer speeds with gvfs and an iPod Touch. The speed slows down significantly, but only after I mount the ipod.

If I open up "afc://<ipod uuid>" in Thunar, I can copy files to and from my iPod really fast, took about a minute to transfer a 300mb mp4 file. Great!

But if I try to transfer the same file to "~/.gvfs/My iPod" (which is created either after opening afc://<uuid> or running "gvfs-mount afc://<uuid>") it takes about 5-6 minutes.

Problem is, Banshee,Rhythmbox,etc. use the "~/.gvfs/My iPod" mountpoint to sync my iPod, so it's really slow (Clementine uses the afc address with libimobiledevice and it's much faster, but I had some other issues with Clementine).

I guess what I'm wondering is why the transfer speed would be so slow in the ~/.gvfs mountpoint compared to the afc:// address in Thunar? My guess is because it uses fuse instead of libimobiledevice, but is Fuse really that slow?

Any ideas for a fix, or a workaround to get the higher speeds with Banshee or Rhythmbox? Or any other advice?

Thanks in advance!


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