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This is just a notice for those searching for this problem, that may have the same issue.
I have a long running Arch Install that boots from software raid. I recently had the Kernel failing to load with this error:
Error: Unable to determine major/minor number of root device /dev/md2. Then I am subsequently dropped to basic shell.
The solution to my problem was to move 'mdadm' after 'udev' in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf HOOKS. I suspect somewhere between install (years ago) and now, this requirement and subsequent documentation changed. … tcpio.conf
No worries though, it's an easy thing to boot up and fix.
I was able to just type 'mdasseble' in the basic shell, then 'exit' and my system booted normally. I then made the change to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, and rebuilt the image:
If that doesn't work for you, follow the chroot guide:
Then edit your mkinitcpio.conf and rebuild the image.
Hope this helps.
Last edited by xvalentinex (2011-10-13 07:00:17)