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Dear Archers
I had migrated to parabola. Linux-libre kernel got loaded. Now, I want to come back to Arch. I am unable to load Linux 3.0.6-2
What is the way out?
Last edited by San2ban (2011-10-15 08:43:01)
Satyam eva jayate
Registered linux user #535257
Install Arch.
Dear Tomk
exactly what I am trying to avoid. Is there no other way out?
Satyam eva jayate
Registered linux user #535257
Provide some details then - "unable to load linux 3.0.6-2" is vague.
I have un-installed 'your-freedom', installed by parabola, commented out 'Libre' repositories in pacman.conf, ran pacman -Syyu. I was hoping the Linux-3.0.6-2 would be installed when this is done. No, did not happen.
I tried to load it with "pacman -S linux 3.0.6-2, but says package not found
unable to install flash plug-in also
Satyam eva jayate
Registered linux user #535257
You shouldn't include the package version number in pacman commands.
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$ sudo pacman -S linux
error: target not found: linux
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$ sudo pacman -S linux 3.0
error: target not found: linux
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$ sudo pacman -S linux3.0
error: target not found: linux3.0
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$ sudo pacman -S linux3
error: target not found: linux3
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$ sudo pacman -S linux
error: target not found: linux
[san2ban@KRISHNA ~]$
Satyam eva jayate
Registered linux user #535257
be sure you switch back to our mirrors first.
the proper way to switch back to our kernel is pacman -S linux
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Dear Wonder
Thank you. I never thought parabola would have changed the mirrorlist completely. I was asked to Libre repository in pacman.conf, which I had done. Never bothered to check mirrorlist
Satyam eva jayate
Registered linux user #535257
Also make sure you recreate the local mirror data with -Syy the next time you run into trouble.