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I recently bought a Brother DCP-7065DN, set up the drivers and set up cups, but as soon as the printer turns on, it starts printing out blank pages without me even sending it a print job. I've cancelled all print jobs via cups, and even the printer itself, but it'll keep spitting out blank pages until it runs out of paper. I went a step further and killed all instances of cupsd on the network, but whenever the printer starts up, it prints 3 empty pages, and stops, then prints the rest, for no apparent reason. I set up my printer URI with cups to look like:
The printer will say it's receiving data after I print a test page, then spit out empty pages.
I've got the drivers installed from AUR (brother-dcp7065dn-cupswrapper 2.0.4_2-1; brother-dcp7065dn-lpr 2.1.0_1-1) with cups. I've also looked at the other two forum threads, which didn't solve my issue, and I've also looked here: … -printing/
I have the scanner working, though.
Any help would be appreciated. I'm banging my head on the wall over this one.
Last edited by 094TQ5 (2011-10-16 19:59:54)
Are you running on x86_64 (64 bits in other words) ? If this is the case, check if you have libcups from multilib installed. That's solved my problem (see
If I understand well your problem, even if cups is not running, when you start the printer, it spits out empty pages ? If yes, you should contact tech support for it or return it for a working one.
Personnally, I don't use ipp as it has never worked for me on this printer.
When I use the hostname, it doesn't find it (I don't really care as I set it up with a static ip), so I have to set the lpd uri with its ip address instead.
Don't forget to delete the printer in cups after a driver change and setup it again, sometimes cups messes up with an older/different driver.
Did you check the logs of cups ? Maybe it has some relevant informations.
Finally, check if there's something in the printer's configurations through the web browser.
EDIT : Corrected a bad url.
Last edited by CPU Gastronomy (2011-10-17 12:56:03)