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I am trying to install kernel26-lts. So what i did as following on my existing system:
1. pacman -S kernel26-lts kernel26-lts-headers
2. vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
#... others.., do not remember.. but this two line i changed .......
kernel /vmlinuz-lts root=/dev/uid/..... ro quite
initrd /kernel26-lts
3. mkinitcpio -p kernel26-lts
4. init 6 : i see penguin logo after reboot, and then it failes with showing following:
error: unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon
ash: /dev/:unknown operand
ash: /dev/:unknown operand
ERROR: unable to determine majon/minor number of root device ''.
you are being dropped to a recovery shell
type exit to try and continue booting
sh: cant access tty: job control turned off
[ramfs /]#
5. does not boot anymore
Tried to boot with LiveUSB but after mounting /dev/sda1 i do not find the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to remove back to normal
How do i fix it now for kernel26-lts please?
Last edited by IamTrying (2011-10-22 08:20:05)
Do you have a separate /boot partition?
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OK, found it it was in mount /dev/sda1. There i have the /boot/grub/menu.lst old one as following:
#(0) Arch Linux
title Arch Linux
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26-lts root/dev/disk/by-uuid/2121212....... ro vga=773 quiet splash
initrd /kernel26-lts.img
What am i doing wrong? That it fails to boot?
1. login using liveUSB
2. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
3. vi /boot/grub/menu.lst
# (0) Arch linux
title Arch linux
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26-lts root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/15db099c0sddfdfdfdfdfdfdfsfswerewrwldfjsdlf ro vga=773 quiet <removed "splash">
# ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
# |__________| |__________________________________________________|
# | |
# path/to /dev/sda3
# /
# culprit
initrd /kernel26-lts.img
3. init 6
Please change [crashed] to [solved] by editing your first post.