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Hi everyone,
In the past week or something I'm facing a new problem on my Lenovo E520.
No matters how many times I try to close it, the CD/DVD tray doesn't stay closed. It spins the drive moves a bit the head and the eject it.
The first time it happened, I thought about some kind of hardware problem but then I booted windows and the drive worked perfectly.
I looked around on the logs for errors or something but found anything.
Any kind of help really appreciated.
Fabio Varesano
Last edited by fax8 (2011-10-31 09:08:31)
Solved. I had an udev rule stating the following:
# This udev rule automatically eject the virtual USB CD-ROM drive when connecting the Olivetti Data Card 100 HSDPA modem
KERNEL=="sr[0-9]",SYSFS{idVendor}=="0b3c",SYSFS{idProduct}=="c700",SYMLINK="GKxdatacarddisk",RUN+="/usr/bin/eject -s %k"
This rule was added to use a UMTS USB modem but it somehow started messing with the actual CD/DVD drive.
Commenting that rule fixed the problem. Still investigating how to make the above rule coexists with the DVD drive.
Solved. I had an udev rule stating the following:
# This udev rule automatically eject the virtual USB CD-ROM drive when connecting the Olivetti Data Card 100 HSDPA modem KERNEL=="sr[0-9]",SYSFS{idVendor}=="0b3c",SYSFS{idProduct}=="c700",SYMLINK="GKxdatacarddisk",RUN+="/usr/bin/eject -s %k"
This rule was added to use a UMTS USB modem but it somehow started messing with the actual CD/DVD drive.
Commenting that rule fixed the problem. Still investigating how to make the above rule coexists with the DVD drive. … 21795.html
The long deprecated keys: SYSFS=, ID=, BUS= have been removed.
Maybe you need to rewrite that rule - don't ask me how ;P
Thanks karol ... that explain the issue. With SYSFS=, ID=, BUS= gone my rule just matches any CD/DVD drive then it's obvious that it will eject it as soon as it's available.
If anyone has suggestions on how to implement that with new version syntax.. I'm all ears..
Last edited by fax8 (2011-10-31 09:29:16)