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#1 2011-11-03 01:13:37

Registered: 2011-04-04
Posts: 51

Weechat Highlight Monitor Script for IRC and Localhost (Bitlbee)

Hey guys.. I've been struggling with this one for some time now, thought I might as well get some feedback tongue

So bacically, I have the weechat plugin '' and I have the Channel, Nick, and Message (when highlited) output to conky on my desktop.

Now the part I cant figure out is how can I get the same scripts that do that to also output the highlights i get from my bitlbee session (which is open in a separate terminal window connected to localhost)

As long as I am in my home dir, I can get this to work for each individually, but as I like to use tmux, weechat in one tab, weechat --dir ~/.weechat/bitlbee in another so I can watch my facebook chat and irc chat without having to log in and out of servers.  But because my Bitlbee session is started in ~/.weechat/bitlbee my scripts no longer work...
further to this, I've tried to modify them to work just in ~/.weechat/bitlbee but havent succeeded there either...

ok, the scripts

echo -e $(cat ~/.weechat/logs/perl.highmon.weechatlog | awk 'END{split($2,a,"#"); print a[2]}')

echo -e $(cat ~/.weechat/logs/perl.highmon.weechatlog | awk 'END{print $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18}')...

echo -e $(cat ~/.weechat/logs/perl.highmon.weechatlog | awk 'END{print $3}' | cut -f1 -d'>' | cut -f2 -d'<' | cut -f3 -d '!' )

these scripts get called by conky to output my highlighted message on the desktop..
If anyone knows how I can ammend these scripts to also work with a weechat instance started in the directory of ~/.weechat/bitlbee that wold rock my world smile
[i tried changing the directories in these scripts to ~/.weechat/bitlbee/logs/perl.highmon.weechatlog ... that didn't really work tho]

If anyone can tell me its possible to connect to both freenode and localhost in the same weechat session id also be impressed!

you know how there is always just one more thing you'ld like to do to your desktop... that one last thing that if you achieved it, it would make you relax and feel complete? this is that for me tongue

any help is much appreciated..

(for the record, I didn't write these scripts, I came across them throughout my life)

Last edited by CoolWhip (2011-11-03 01:20:04)

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