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This won't have enough info to be of much help...but after doing a system upgrade tonight, X failed to start.
The kernel went from 3.0.7-1 to 3.1-4, and the nvidia driver went from 285.05.09-1 to 285.05.09-3
I restored my system from a backup, and put holds on those two packages. An upgrade followed, and X started fine. (That's why I think those two packages aren't playing nice together.)
I'm just kind of posting this in the hope that if someone else has the same problem we can get a thread (and a solution) going... :-\
Hey, be nice...I'm new at this!
X won't start and this pops up; "id 'x' respawning too fast"
After console login this snippet from dmesg is interresting;
[ 366.922990] vmap allocation for size 16781312 failed: use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.
[ 366.924426] NVRM: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x26:0xffffffff:1175)
[ 366.924432] NVRM: rm_init_adapter(0) failed
And this from Xorg log ;
414.946] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. ...
Downgrading to kernel 3.0.7 and Nvidia 285.05.09-1 solves this.
I also noted that nvidia-utils was not updated.
Yes, Nouveau is blacklisted.
Any hints or solutions?
Same here! Posted 7 minutes after you. Merged ...
Last edited by swanson (2011-11-09 06:59:52)
Same here! Posted 7 minutes after you. Hope the mods can merge the threads.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
If you'd like to try to fix things yourself, you could try booting the 3.1-4 kernel into runlevel 3, then building and installing the current nvidia package from abs.
Last edited by dhave (2011-11-09 05:14:59)
Tried to install nvidia from abs and installation was ok with kernel 3.1-4 but no X;
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:2:0:0. Please
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): README for additional information.
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!
This time though the driver seems to have loaded;
[ 16.115] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
Bu the way I have a 220GT card and I really don't think it's too old for this driver.
So downgraded again. Seems the guys with ck kernels have nvidia problems too.
Last edited by swanson (2011-11-09 19:53:09)
Tried to install nvidia from abs and installation was ok with kernel 3.1-4 but no X;
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:2:0:0. Please
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): README for additional information.
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!This time though the driver seems to have loaded;
[ 16.115] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.soBu the way I have a 220GT card and I really don't think it's too old for this driver.
So downgraded again. Seems the guys with ck kernels have nvidia problems too.
Hmm. Sorry to have misled you. This is how I've always handled the problem of a new kernel that's out of sync with the current nvidia package, but maybe this time there are other variables in play.
No worries! I'm always willing to test.
No worries! I'm always willing to test.
That's the spirit! Keep fixing it until it breaks again, is my motto -- the best way to learn.
Tried to install nvidia from abs and installation was ok with kernel 3.1-4 but no X;
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:2:0:0. Please
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): check your system's kernel log for additional error
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): messages and refer to Chapter 8: Common Problems in the
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): README for additional information.
[ 63.927] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device!This time though the driver seems to have loaded;
[ 16.115] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.soBu the way I have a 220GT card and I really don't think it's too old for this driver.
So downgraded again. Seems the guys with ck kernels have nvidia problems too.
Whew. Was about to try this myself. Think I'll hold off, though. Thanks for testing this for us!
Hey, be nice...I'm new at this!
Bu the way I have a 220GT card and I really don't think it's too old for this driver.
I believe you're right. It looks as if the proper Linux driver for your card is this one:
I believe you're right. It looks as if the proper Linux driver for your card is this one:
Wow. Good catch. I have a 6600GT, and I think that driver is the proper one for me, too... Do we just download it from there and install it, or might there be a pacman method?
Hey, be nice...I'm new at this!
Do we just download it from there and install it
Doooooooooooon't do that!! Though I think it's not that big of a deal in Arch as it is in Gentoo, using the nvidia installer can still screw up your system. *Always* use Arch packages for installing the nvidia driver.
There's a 290.06 beta driver available, all it takes is modifying the pkgver in "nvidia-utils" and "nvidia" PKGBUILDs and run makepkg with "--skipinteg" to build it. I run a custom built 3.1 (except for BFS and disabling some stuff I don't need a stock config) and 290.06 and it's been working fine with my 9800 GTS. BTW, is the "nvidia" kernel module loaded when X attempts to start?
Last edited by MadCat_X (2011-11-09 21:06:31)
I'd not recommend installing the nvidia driver directly from their site. I messes things up later on. I know, I did that long time ago.
Maybe this from AUR; nvidia-beta 290.06-1 ?
Last edited by swanson (2011-11-09 21:09:47)
@all - I'm currently looking into the problem the repo nvidia packages and will rebuilt/refresh once I figure it out and fix. You can build up the nvidia-ck package from the AUR, just be sure you adjust the depends and makedepends accordingly (or remove them entirely). Also, remember to manually remove the "nvidia-ck" package once I fix it and manually download the correct nvidia-ck-xxx package. I'll post here when fixed.
EDIT: sorry all, I didn't read the OPs post carefully and assumed this was related to the nvidia/Linux-ck packages... Disregard my comments.
Last edited by graysky (2011-11-10 01:06:23)
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Awesome. As a n00b, I think I'll wait for an 'official' repair... Thanks!
Hey, be nice...I'm new at this!
dhave wrote:I believe you're right. It looks as if the proper Linux driver for your card is this one:
Wow. Good catch. I have a 6600GT, and I think that driver is the proper one for me, too... Do we just download it from there and install it, or might there be a pacman method?
No, I wouldn't do that. I was just confirming that the 285.xx.xx series driver was the proper one for the 220GT card.
I've done it both ways, but you're better off waiting for the Arch package than using the factory installer. File placement could be different, for example. There are so many Archers using nvidia cards that I'm sure you won't have to wait very long.
OK... I believe I tracked the problem down and correct it. I type this now booted into the corex package set and previously into the generic set. I just pushed the -6 release of nvidia-ck-xxx series for both arches. Please pacman -Syu and let me know if the problem is corrected on your systems as well. As with any nvidia upgrade, you'll need to either reboot your system or drop down to runlevel 3, rmmod nvidia then come back to runlevel 5.
Please let me know if all is well with the -6 release.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
OK... I believe I tracked the problem down and correct it. I type this now booted into the corex package set and previously into the generic set. I just pushed the -6 release of nvidia-ck-xxx series for both arches. Please pacman -Syu and let me know if the problem is corrected on your systems as well. As with any nvidia upgrade, you'll need to either reboot your system or drop down to runlevel 3, rmmod nvidia then come back to runlevel 5.
Please let me know if all is well with the -6 release.
Yes, on my system nvidia-ck-corex 285.05.09-6 installed just fine and boots properly with linux-ck-corex 3.1-4. Also, X launches as it should.
Thanks very much.
Last edited by dhave (2011-11-09 22:35:37)
Glad to hear it. I think the OP can make this thread as [solved].
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Glad to hear it. I think the OP can make this thread as [solved].
I might be wrong, but I think he was using the stock Arch kernel and nvidia driver, not your nice -ck versions.
graysky wrote:Glad to hear it. I think the OP can make this thread as [solved].
I might be wrong, but I think he was using the stock Arch kernel and nvidia driver, not your nice -ck versions.
Oh shit, you're right. I totally polluted this thread, sorry about that all.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs
Okay, now I'm really confused. GraySky just fixed a *different* issue? We're still out-in-the-cold regarding the original issue, or are we??
Hey, be nice...I'm new at this!
Okay, now I'm really confused. GraySky just fixed a *different* issue? We're still out-in-the-cold regarding the original issue, or are we??
I fixed an issue that affected packages in an unofficial repo I host. It just so happened that your issue is similar but unrelated. I dunno what is wrong with your system. Perhaps someone else will post something useful.
CPU-optimized Linux-ck packages @ Repo-ck • AUR packages • Zsh and other configs