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#1 2005-06-14 15:22:46

Registered: 2005-06-14
Posts: 504

IPW2100 driver can't load the module

Hi everybody,  wink

I have an centrino Dell Inspiron 8600 and I'm trying to make working wireless hardware. I noticed that the installing of the ipw2100 with pacman produces a new directory in the /lib/modules

It's different than my kernel, seems stock kernel directory,
I'm using a compiled kernel and when I try to load the module it doesn't load it and all I see are just a couple of warnings.

My questions are:

Have I to use an stock kernel?

If yes where can I find some HowTo that explains how to use it?
(I don't like 800x600 terminal, by compiling I can decide to use 1024x768)

If not, have I to use source? I seems strange, I mean, what's pacman for?  :?

Thank you guys


#2 2005-06-14 16:33:04

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

ArchArael wrote:

If not, have I to use source? I seems strange, I mean, what's pacman for?  :?

pacman will manage modules for the stock kernel only - it is 100% impossible to compile a module for one kernel and use it safely in another...

Linus Torvalds wrote:

It's not going to happen. I am _totally_ uninterested in a stable ABI for kernel modules, and in fact I'm actively against even _trying_. I want people to be very much aware of the fact that kernel internals do change, and that this will continue.

If you compile a different kernel, that is not the stock kernel, then it is your job to recompile any external modules as well.


#3 2005-06-15 12:58:32

Registered: 2005-06-14
Posts: 504

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

Hm, understand. So I have to download ipw2100 sources and compile or install an kernel26 and ipw2100 package via pacman...right?

So when I usualy compile an external driver like this one, the Makefile has instructions that control what kernel am I running?

Thank you phrakture... wink


#4 2005-06-15 13:32:47

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

ArchArael wrote:

I don't like 800x600 terminal, by compiling I can decide to use 1024x768

Slightly OT, but in the interest of getting you back to the stock kernel - it shouldn't be necessary to recompile the kernel simply to change screen res. What prompted you to do it?


#5 2005-06-16 08:09:35

Registered: 2005-06-14
Posts: 504

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

Ok, I used abs to compile my new module, now I have my module in the right place.

but when I try to load it happen this:

[root@sanctuary arael]# modprobe ipw2100
FATAL: Error inserting ipw2100 (/lib/modules/2.6.11/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100/ipw2100.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
[root@sanctuary arael]# 

dmesg output is this:

ipw2100: Unknown symbol release_firmware
ipw2100: Unknown symbol request_firmware
hStart = 1328, hEnd = 1360, hTotal = 1440
vStart = 802, vEnd = 808, vTotal = 823
h_total_disp = 0x9f00b3    hsync_strt_wid = 0x4052a
v_total_disp = 0x31f0336           vsync_strt_wid = 0x60321
pixclock = 14035
freq = 7125
ipw2100: Unknown symbol release_firmware
ipw2100: Unknown symbol request_firmware
ipw2100: Unknown symbol release_firmware
ipw2100: Unknown symbol request_firmware
[root@sanctuary arael]#  


Slightly OT, but in the interest of getting you back to the stock kernel - it shouldn't be necessary to recompile the kernel simply to change screen res. What prompted you to do it?

When I use stock kernel I can't recompile it...I mean it's precompiled ... or not?   :?

To have 1024x768 login shell I can specify during "make menuconfig ncurses screen"... But when I use stock kernel what should I to do, pass to lilo right parameters? Othervise the default is 800x600 and I don't like it to much...but this is just my preference...and is not important...

Using ipw2100 and kernel26 precompiled does't change the situations. I have my module in the right place but modprobe says that there isn't a module called ipw2100...

To use linux I guess that people should be very smart or a guru...and supose that this is not too much my case.  :?

I have also an hp usb printer that doesn't works and I don't understand why. I have to use windows to print. It's very frustrating have hardware but not be able to make it work....


#6 2005-06-16 15:24:28

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

to change the resolution on the stock kernel, it's as simple as "vga=791" (or some other number) to lilo or grub

the "unknown symbol" from ipw2100 looks like you tried to compile and run under 2 different kernels

use abs to recompile you kernel, or at least install the headers so the module can compile with the running headers


#7 2005-06-17 09:47:48

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

cd /var/abs/extra/network/ipw2100
pacman -U ipw2100-1.1.0-???.pkg.tar.gz

rename the package name in the last step as appropriate


#8 2005-06-17 17:24:48

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

ArchArael wrote:

Using ipw2100 and kernel26 precompiled does't change the situations. I have my module in the right place but modprobe says that there isn't a module called ipw2100...

run "depmod -ae" first, then try modprobe again

ArchArael wrote:

To use linux I guess that people should be very smart or a guru...and supose that this is not too much my case.  :?

That's not true, but you're using ArchLinux, which is specifically targeted at experienced users...

ArchArael wrote:

I have also an hp usb printer that doesn't works and I don't understand why. I have to use windows to print. It's very frustrating have hardware but not be able to make it work....

again, this is part of using ArchLinux - if you want things to automatically work for you, I'd suggest another distro


#9 2005-08-03 00:22:40

#archlinux@freenode channel op
From: The intertubes
Registered: 2004-11-07
Posts: 4,094

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

ArchArael wrote:

I have also an hp usb printer that doesn't works and I don't understand why. I have to use windows to print. It's very frustrating have hardware but not be able to make it work....

Sadly, the printer manufactures are some realy lazy bastards, and hates giving away any informaton that aven remotly (like 1:982458 chance) coud benefit their competitors.

I have a canon i850 printer. It works (more or less) with lpt, but there is no chance to get it working for anything that low quality text, with the usb (and you have to be realy lucky just to get it to print anything with usb)

I modified a kernel PKGBUILD so that it also rebuilt the ipw2100 module. I'll see if I still got it here somewhere. (the hd on my laptop did a "input_type_crash" on me, so I had to get a new one)

Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest


#10 2005-08-03 00:48:58

Registered: 2004-08-28
Posts: 85

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

i have the 8600 and a custom kernel as well..

after a new kernel install, i just run srcpac -Sb ipw2200

in the pkgbuild of ipw2200, is does a uname -r to determine where to put the module, if your using the kernel you want at that point, it will package it there. 

hope that helps


#11 2005-09-13 22:29:54

Registered: 2005-05-21
Posts: 89

Re: IPW2100 driver can't load the module

I had problems with my ipw2200.

I worked on it for about 18 hrs, but I think the solution may have been when downloaded the ipw2200 source and did a #make, #make install.

Then I could #modproe ipw2200 successfully.

Might be worth a try - it has been working successfully since.

I have a few doubts about the pacman ipw2200 package.


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