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Hi all,
I'm trying to increase the clock speed of my nvidia gpu. I've added "Coolbits 1" to my 50-nvidia.conf, and the Clock Frequencies menu shows up in nvidia settings. The Auto Detect button is greyed out and any increase I try to make fails with "Failed to set clock frequencies." Nvclock fails with "Unable to shadow the video bios, Can't switch to the coolbits backend because X isnt loaded." Finally, sudo nvidia-settings --assign "[gpu:0]/GPUOverclockingState=1" --assign="[gpu:0]/GPU3DClockFreqs=FOO,BAR" fails with "ERROR: Error assigning value 46859150 to attribute 'GPU3DClockFreqs' (lithium:0[gpu:0]) as specified in assignment '[gpu:0]/GPU3DClockFreqs=FOO,BAR' (Unknown Error)." Sometimes the error just gives the possible ranges for my card instead of "Unknown Error". My friend managed to overclock the same card in a different laptop, and I've seen a few posts where people managed to overclock my exact model.