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I've pretty much given up trying, but thought I'd post just in case. I have a Lexmark Pinnacle Pro 901. There are no drivers for Pinnacle, hardly any at all for Lexmark actually. Lexmark has one on their site for windows, but wine wouldn't be able to find the connection anyway. I emailed gutenprint and they suggested a generic driver but that didn't work. Just wondering if anyone has figured out how to hook up a pinnacle series usb or wifi, color or black & white, - I don't care, just want to be able to print something.
How about that?
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Wow, don't know how I missed that one. I checked the site for linux drivers but only debian/fedora/suse/mint/pclinux/ubuntu are supported. I'm going to try the ubuntu 11.04 driver and hope it works, thanks.
Nope, the installer hung on:
Execute: rm -rf /home/killian/lua_c1Wcby
Which distro driver should I choose to install on arch?
What about this PKGBUILD from AUR?
From what I understood it should work for your printer model, too. It is for x86_64 arch only, though, but with a little adaptation you can make a PKGBUILD for a 32 bit system from it.
Ah, and I have seen new firmware on the Lexmark site, too. … age=null#1
The AUR package is for pro 700 series, I'm 900 (and don't know how to edit pkgbuilds), and the lexmark firmware has the same support for linux (debian/fedora/suse/mint/pclinux/ubuntu) so I don't know what to do...
You can always grab the .deb if you can get a hold of it and convert it to a .tar.gz package, then unpack that and see what you need. If all goes well everything you need is a PPD that you need to point CUPS to.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
The AUR package is for pro 700 series, I'm 900 (and don't know how to edit pkgbuilds), and the lexmark firmware has the same support for linux (debian/fedora/suse/mint/pclinux/ubuntu) so I don't know what to do...
The download link in the PKGBUILD points to the same driver package (lexmark-inkjet-legacy-1.0) you would download if you searched drivers for your printer directly on the lexmark site. As for modifying the PKGBUILD in case you are not on x86_64, you would surely get help here on the forum.
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