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Hi, so the story behind this is i installed awesomewm on my laptop and wanted a battery monitor for it, and found a few on AUR wich didnt work or was just simply to outdated.
then i tryed xfce4's power manager wich gave me what i basicly wanted but everytime it tryed to show a notifcation the whole system tray crapped itself and that was rather unaccapteble so i said for myself BAH i just fricking make my own for my own desires and so i did.
and to all you mono haters GTFO, i made it for personal usage, dont like it? go use something else.
so thought i make a post here incase someone else wants to test or use it.
Link to AUR package
and link for it on github
its rather just a simple system tray icon changing icon after the batterystate and percentage reported by acpi and shows you remaining time when you mouse over it.
currently there is 2 themes Default , Android
heres the icons used for Default, … -theme.png
and the icons for Android, … -theme.png
either change the settings globally in /opt/ArchBattery/archbattery.conf or
cp /opt/ArchBattery/archbattery.conf ~/.archbattery.conf
and make changes per user.
heres the current settings you can change in the config file.
# Icon theme to use from /opt/ArchBattery/Icons/$name
# you can make your own theme by creating a folder in /opt/ArchBattery/Icons/yourtheme and make the icons like in Default, or Android theme and then set the percentage interval in theme.conf
# then just change the variable here to yourtheme
# preloading loads the icons into ram instead of loading them at runtime when needed, speeds things up but increases ram usage a bit
# Update Interval for how often to poll acpi for battery info in miliseconds
# lower value might increase resource usage a bit
find any bugs i would be happy if you either posted it here or emailed me and got any feature request post here or email and i might implent it if i find it reasonable enough since i just made this for personal usage afterall
Last edited by gulafaran (2011-12-03 13:16:06)
Awesome, i'm going to install it in my netbook. Thank you!
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