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How do I make mutt list my messages with the newest message at the top, like in the web interface of Gmail? It is called descending listing starting with the newest message, I suppose.
The man page is long and difficult to comprehend ... please, does somebody give a hint?
/dev/zero has pointed you at the right man page. You are wanting to sort your mail...
man muttrc | less -p sort
# edit: you also want sort_aux
Last edited by jasonwryan (2011-12-02 09:45:58)
IMHO, rtfms are the worst of all answers. A better answer in this case would be to explain how mutt sorts mail and how mutt understands the sorting commands. E.g. at this point I have specified these sorting variables in .muttrc:
set sort_aux=last-date-received
set sort=threads
set sort_re
I have recently switched to Mutt myself, and the manual is unfortunately not a good place to start. I have pieced together a nice config mainly by googling and stealing stuff from other people's configuration files.
The setting you want is
set sort = reverse-date-received
That will show the most recent mails on top.
If you want it threaded according to the most recent e-mail in a thread, this should work:
set sort=threads
set sort_browser=reverse-date
set sort_aux=last-date-received
Alternatively you might use
Last edited by .:B:. (2011-12-02 20:32:36)
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I have recently switched to Mutt myself, and the manual is unfortunately not a good thing to start. I have pieced together a nice config mainly by googling and stealing stuff from other people's configuration files.
The setting you want is
set sort = reverse-date-received
That will show the most recent mails on top.
If you want it threaded according to the most recent e-mail in a thread, this should work:
set sort=threads set sort_browser=reverse-date set sort_aux=last-date-received
Alternatively you might use
Hey, thanks. The first one did not work for me, but the second (alternate) did, so this would be the correct config:
set sort=threads
set sort_browser=date
set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received
IMHO, rtfms are the worst of all answers.
This is the Archlinux forum, as opposed to some other forums where people are not encouraged to think for themselves.
Moderator comment. Truncated this thread by removing the last two posts.
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