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#1 2011-12-02 09:26:35

Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 2

CPU module problem

Hello guys,
I've recently upgraded my pc buying a mainboard (msi 970A-G45), a CPU(AMD FX 4100) and ram. I have problems during boot. When system tries to enter runlevel 5, screen goes black. I've checked xorg, nvidia settings and dmsg and no issues where found.System boots only in runlevel 1. When I try to load the powernow-k8 module manually, I get a message saying that there is no such thing enabled in the mainboard. Do anyone of you runs arch in the same specs as in my pc to give some help ? Also mention that my win7 installation runs normally, so there is no hardware problem. Thanks in advance and sorry for bad english smile


#2 2011-12-02 09:31:29

Registered: 2011-12-01
Posts: 62

Re: CPU module problem

Do you mean runlevel 3?

Can you do a ctrl + alt + 1 and get a login prompt?

What version nvidia drivers are you running?


#3 2011-12-03 08:55:20

Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 2

Re: CPU module problem

Yes I mean runlevel 3 sorry. No I can not ctrl alt f1. I can not remember the nvidia driver version and I can not find it since when I try to do anything with pacman I get error messages : /


#4 2011-12-03 09:59:18

Registered: 2011-12-01
Posts: 62

Re: CPU module problem

What error messages are you getting when you try and run pacman?


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