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#1 2011-12-06 03:51:06

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2011-03-29
Posts: 5

splitting frandom to frandom-utils

Just recently took over frandom after it had been abandoned, and was reading up on the packaging standards. The wiki states that kernel modules should be bascially split into two packages:

  1. The actual module, this needs to be rebuilt for each kernel

  2. A 'utility' package with the supporting files

To this end, I've been working on splitting frandom into two packages: frandom and frandom-utils.

Now for my questions (and please excuse me if I seem new to this, I am):

  1. Right now, both of these packages use files from the upstream package, which generally means that it will be downloaded multiple times by default. Frandom isn't very big though, so is this something to worry about?

  2. I am just working too hard, or is this really a Good Thing(tm)?

  3. Less a question than a request, but anyone with more experience mind looking over the first couple attempts?

Thank you.


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