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Pages: 1
I've got bluez and bluedevil installed under KDE4.
The daemon is running and I've modprobed btusb, bluetooth, hidp, and l2cap.
Under bluedevil I have successfully paired the trackpad, so I know that bluetooth is working.
The keyboard however only shows up for a few seconds when I press the power switch on the keyboard and then disappears. It never works.
However, when I go terminal and type:
hidd --connect 00:00:00:00:00:00
(where 00:00:00:00:00:00 the keyboard's btaddr is), it connects and works immediately.
I've found a bunch of workarounds online to connect Apple wireless keyboards, but they seem to have been written for quite old versions of the bluetooth software.
Does anyone have a clue, how I could make it connect properly through bluedevil?
Pages: 1