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I can see that linux mint ( … 1&p=370479 ), fedora and many other linux forums are compatible with tapatalk. I like to know, if it possible to make arch forum also compatible with it. There seems to be plugins provided by them, that we can use to activate it on forums ( ).
My AUR packages
You are not the first one asking for tapatalk ;D
There is already such a thread here
I saw that thread. They were discussing about conflict bt that application and opensource. I just want to point out that other distributions are already using it.
My AUR packages
You missed what Pierre said,
There is no way we install a proprietary plugin in our forums (it wont support FluxBB anyway)
I suppose you'll reply, "Tapatalk provides an API for developers to create their own plugins." To this tomk had an answer,
- if/when that happens, ask the fluxbb developer to consider including tapatalk support.
- if/when that happens, tapatalk support will become available here.
But, and an important but this is, Tapatalk conditions preclude this,
As a Plug-in developer, there is no cost of using this API and can enjoy our excellent developer support, however you agree to:
Not redistributing our plugin and retain all copyright information in the source-code
Add a "Powered by Tapatalk" at the bottom of your website where you deployed Tapatalk plugin, links to
So no Tapatalk support in the foreseeable future unless Tapatalk changes their terms. Which is what tomk said in the first place,
- tapatalk is closed source, so ask the developer to consider making it open source.
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So no Tapatalk support in the foreseeable future unless Tapatalk changes their terms. Which is what tomk said in the first place,
tomk wrote:- tapatalk is closed source, so ask the developer to consider making it open source.
As mentioned earlier in this thread, this has all been gone over before. I use tapatalk myself, but until/unless they go open-source or open up their procedures the Arch forums and fluxbb (AFAIK) will not be compatible.
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Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
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