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My mission of the day is trying to stop HTML elements from following me as I scroll down a page. I know there are many implementations but I can think of two main ones.
* Some elements have "position:fixed" specified in their CSS style which gives them a browser-window-relative position.
* Some elements have "position:absolute" but there is a timeout causing the position to be adjusted every second or in response to scrolling. An example of such a bar is: Having "position:static" instead would forbid scripts from changing the element's position on the fly.
The simplest way to get rid of the floating bars is to change "position:fixed" and "position:absolute" to "position:static". I made a greasemonkey script to do that but it is far from optimal. Using it to change "absolute" to "static" can break several websites that draw themselves with javascript. There are two approaches that I can loosely describe and I'm wondering if anyone knows some code that would be helpful:
1. Leaving "absolute" alone but stopping the loop
Is there any way that I can tell a userscript to block only timeouts? Regular functions in a page's javascript should be allowed to run but not the ones that are set to repeat at regular intervals. This may come with it's own set of problems but it's better to have a choice between bad options than just one bad option.
2. Continue to block "absolute" but do it later on
If I can give a website a 5 second time window to move its elements around can I then make the positions static so that no further scripting will be able to move them again?
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Not a generic option, but you could hide the elements in question until you want to see them?
So for instance give the sliding elements a display:none and create a keybinding to toggle visibility from none to block.
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