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Hi all,
I'm pretty new to Arch and just using it since a couple of days. I really love that distro and I hope to contribute (first by submitting some packages) in the coming days/weeks...
I'm playing with makepkg and try to build my own packages to see how it works and I've got a problem with something I want to package.
I've packaged superkaramba and it works. I decided to try to package some themes for it and choose Liquid Weather++.
The problem is:
[*] the tarball name is: lwp-6.2.tar.bz2 !
[*] once uncompressed the directory name is: liquid_weather_plus/
Since it is a superkaramba theme, I would like my package name to be something like: superkaramba-theme-liquid_weather++-6.2-1.pkg.tar.gz.
Is it possible to use different names during package creation inside PKGBUILDs ?
You can hardcode everything (all paths if you want).
Using $pkgname, $pkgver in the urls, dirs is only to help the pkg maintainer upgrade easier, if the source package is correctly build.
Also, it is my opinion that submodules of a bigger application should be somehow grouped under appname-submoduletype-submodulename (something like kde-windeco-crystal for example). I don't know if this is a packaging guideline.
Please note that any package contributions should be submitted to AUR (superkaramba is there for some time, not sure if it's the latest though).
:: / my web presence
Hi IceRAM and thanks for your quick reply.
You can hardcode everything (all paths if you want).
That's a good news but I don't know how to do this (and didn't find anything in the docs I've read).
Could you explain more please ?
IceRAM wrote:You can hardcode everything (all paths if you want).
That's a good news but I don't know how to do this (and didn't find anything in the docs I've read).
Could you explain more please ?
You just type it out... instead of:
GCN wrote:IceRAM wrote:You can hardcode everything (all paths if you want).
That's a good news but I don't know how to do this (and didn't find anything in the docs I've read).
Could you explain more please ?
You just type it out... instead of:
Oh OK... I already know that I thought I didn't explain my problem correctly. So I'll try again .
The tarball name (as it is on the author's website) is lwp-6.2.tar.gz. Once you untar it, it creates a directory called : liquid_weather_plus (instead of calling it lwp-6.2).
What I wish to do is to name the package something like : superkaramba-theme-liquid_weather++-6.2-1.pkg.tar.gz just because it is more easy to know this is a superkamba theme just by reading the package name. I think it is clearer than simply "liquid_weather_plus".
Also such naming would be great, for example, if you type : pacman -Ss superkaramba-theme as it would list all the available superkaramba themes.
After having a look at the makepkg sources I don't think such thing is possible (but maybe there is a trick somewhere that I didn't find)...
cd $startdir/liquid_weather_plus
Thank you very much
Pages: 1