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I have a Thinkpad T520 with Nvidia GFX. After the upgrade my system started to hang early after loading the udev rules or half way into loading KDE (about when the screen appears). Tried it several times.
I have since then downgraded again and everythings seems back to normal.
extra/nvidia 290.10-1 1 -> 2
core/linux 3.1.9-2 -> 3.2.1-1
Anyone else having issues with lockups?
Last edited by dinsdale (2012-01-19 21:00:36)
thx, that explains it. I guess for someone not to have to revert something in the future it would be better waiting with the 3.2 kernel upgrade until a proper solution is found.
You can always switch your thinkpad's gpu to intel in the BIOS and it will boot. That's what I found out through troubleshooting the issue... it works okay until there is a fix. The plus side is I'm getting better battery life
how's your battery life anyways - If I get 2-3 hours out of my 9 cell I consider myself lucky. I reverted to the NVIDIA GPU becaue my system with 4GB memory is always close to swapping and AFAIK the Nvidia doesn't use RAM as gfx memory. I generally have the feeling that performance on this machine really sucks. My older Dell 6400 feels much more responsive than my current T520 with i7 Processor and 4 cores.
I get 5 to 6 hours with Nvidia active and 9 cell.
What are you running? Openbox with AWM, conky, firefox with 4 tabs, mpd, and remmina with 3 connections. I'm at 819 mb of ram
Being close to swaping is crazy. Even when I ran KDE it wasn't ever close to swaping. But the intergated gfx does use more ram I will give you that. What file system are you on? ssd?
On another note using the nvidia-beta works better... well at least for me than just the nvidia drive did.
IMO the i7's are clocked slower than the i3 or i5's are. Unless you are running multiple vm's, doing autocad, or some other kind of really CPU intense process you would get better performance from an i5.