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adesklets work out of the box too......
All these items except fbpanel are already in the repo so too add them it is feasable to use pacman, so where you have the menu asking to install things, you can have varying levels of candy....
base. pekwm only .. xmessage edit menu for full functions. the menu cantains its own syntax
desktop pekwm & fbpanel.. (via aurbuild)
docks 'docker & wmapps x message to startx the with -w
high level candy -- adesklets
all that would be needed would be needed to wrap them into a system like what you have now, fetch things via pacman...
with this base the user can do what they like there are a huge collection of adesklets available, many pekwm themes, and as many wmdockapps
once thee wrapper is around this all youd need would be a nice arch based pekwm theme to start the off....
take a look with adesklets..
Maybe I am missing something but you can add all of those things (adesklets, fbpanel, docker, etc) to fvwm or just about any wm. But fvwm has an enormous amount of additional flexibility and configurability, something that I assume pekwm comes nowhere close to. You can do so much with native fvwm (FvwmScript and FvwmButtons especially) and it's extremely lightweight and fast, I just don't see what you gain from using pekwm+fbpanel+...+...+...
Ah well, what do I know.
I am a gated community.
I just don't see what you gain from using pekwm+fbpanel+...+...+...
I requested for testing purpose if PekWM can be the base of an ArchWM-base, so mpie is helping in this regard.
In the test, PekWM doesn't have the scope as what Fvwm. What I, though, don't like in Fvwm is the nitty, nitty configure requirement. But it can be accepted if a good how to is included in the user contributed packages. The PacWM toolkit displays the how to after installing a package.
PekWM test:
Version 0.4.2. Getting better. … /Download/
The aim is to make the configure easy for the users. Version 0.5 is the final.
Going for the final: