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Hi All,
Running Arch Linux on my Lenonvo W520. Generally the synaptics touchpad works better under Linux than Windows.
However, the one thing I can't get right now is to simulate the right mouse button click by having one finger on the touchpad and tapping with a second finger.
I have this working under Windows (two finger scroll code - "one + one finger") so I know the touchpad has the functionality.
Does anyone know which options I need to select in the synpatics config file?
Many Thanks
Have you tried adding or changing the following to your 10-synaptics.conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ?
Option "TapButton2" "2"
Yup. Already got that in my file. Doesn't work.
Anyone actually got right mouse click functionality working via one finger in contact with the pad, second finger tapping?
Are you using a DE? E.g. gnome overrides xorg.conf touchpad settings if you do not disable it.
I'm using KDE. Sorry, maybe I should have said.
I have played around with testing live with synclient and I just can't get the required settings right.
Any changes I make in 10-synaptics.conf seem to stick ok on a reboot.
Someone must be running a synaptics touchpad with multi-touch capabilities and have right mouse click working on it?
If so, would you mind sharing your 10-synaptics.conf file?
Many Thanks