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Pages: 1
my system freeze randomly nice kernel 3.1 and in 3.2 too. Kernel 3.0 was fine.
-> nvidia 285 was by 3.0 and 290 by 3.2 right know (second difference)
-> Temperature is ok, more like if its cold it works
-> At home it works normally
-> Its randomly, but if i transfer data its more often, but not at home
-> no log entry!
-> CAPS LOCK turn off/on all the time (if system is frozen)
-> Downgrade works, but i cant find old lib32-nvidia-tools anymore
Other (small) problems, but not so important. Maybe someone know a relation
-> fan control after start wont work, after restart it dose
-> udev need a long time and kill a different pci -> nor same device... Worked 1 week ago
-> suspend mode has a black screen, wont start, system runs
Pages: 1