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I'm trying to install the latest Archboot. My existing host is using kernel 3.1.9-2 but Archboot seems to need kernel26. When I try to install it with pacman, it says:
warning: cannot resolve "kernel26-lts>=", a dependency of "archboot"
warning: cannot resolve "kerenl26-lts>=2.6.32", a dependency of "noveau-drm-lts"
warning: cannot resolve "kernel26-lts<2.6.33", a dependency of "nouveau-drm-lts"
Do I really need to install kernel26 items? I'm hesitant because I really like the nice minimal system I have at the moment.
kernel26-lts has been renamed to linux-lts when Linux 3.0 became LTS, so your ArchBoot must be out of date...
In fact "pacman -Si archboot | grep kernel" returns nothing.
$ pacman -Si nouveau-drm-lts | grep kernel
Depends On : kernel26-lts>=2.6.32 kernel26-lts<2.6.33
This package is orphan, which must be the reason why it's not up to date.
I suppose you could use abs to rebuild nouveau-drm-lts against kernel 3.0... Maybe .
Are you sure you're using this archboot: ?