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Hi all.
I'm working a pacman utill to do peer to peer package sharing. Source code is here:, but I want to harden it a bit before I officially release and anounce it, and put in on aur.
It's implemented as a pacman XferCommand. I have some ideas for how I can improve it if I could have 1 process downloading all package in a sync opperation. I have been looking at writing a patch for pacman to allow for this (pacman bug.)
Here is my question: I am also intrested in how powerpill worked. I'm looking for the source code. I downloaded the source code from … 0.1.tar.gz , but it seems incomplete. The tree of the tar I downloaded looks like this:
├── bash_completion
├── man
│ └── powerpill.1.gz
├── powerpill
└── powerpill.conf
The powerpill file is just a wrapper for Xyne::Arch::Powerpill; So I think that there is some code missing. Anyone know where I can find it?
Offline … _Search=Go - most likely perl-xyne-arch and perl-xyne-common.
EDIT: I recall Xyne saying the reason he was dropping the project was because it was terribly coded and a hack, may not be the best example for you to look at.... why not ask him directly?
Last edited by ngoonee (2012-01-31 09:55:20)
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Essentially it did "pacman -Sy" followed by "pacman -Sp $(pacman -Qqu)" to get a list of urls. Then it passed them to a download program and downloaded them to the cache directory and calls "pacman -Su"... Easy!