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I have rebuilt e17 packages. If you want to download them using pacman, add this to your pacman.conf:
Server =
I must warn you though...My upload is painfully slow, so it's be better if someone supplied a fast server where I can upload the packages daily.
The new, much faster repo is up and running so please use this one:
Server =
very nice, you could post the PKGBUILD's, would be very useful!
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
Nice work!! haven't tested yet, but like Meshuggin, i would also like to have the pkgbuilds
(and instructions on how to build it ) -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
The PKGBUILDs are also located on my server. Fell free to download them.
Here's a list of packages that I've managed to build:
e17-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz entice-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
e17-cvs_no_opengl-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz entrance-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
e17.db.tar.gz epeg-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
eclair-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz epsilon-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
ecore-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz equate-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
edb-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz erss-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
edje-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz esmart-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
eet-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz etox-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
elicit-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz e_utils-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
embrace-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz evas-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
embryo-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz evidence-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
e_modules-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz ewl-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
emotion-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz examine-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
engage-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz imlib2-devel-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
engrave-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz imlib2_loaders-cvs-040705-1.pkg.tar.gz
If you want some packages added to this list, just let me know.
Great Dreameen, you're the man!
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1
yes, your are the man
now when nickm is gone I have been looking for the pkgbuilds, and now, thanks to you, I havev them ..compiling right now -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
I'm glad I could help
I was missing Nickm's repo too so I decided to do something about it 8)
Yes all is working perfectly!!
I really like some of the new settings, (such as focus-on-new-windows ) -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Ok folks, I'm uploading today's e17-CVS packages to a faster server, which was kindly supplied by Lord Death. They should be up and ready for download later today. When this happens, I'll post a link to an ftp server here, so that anyone can download it and we'll see how it goes 8)
For anyone wondering how to get e17 going here's a link for a start:
If you have any additional questions, let me know in this thread and we'll try to figure it out.
I have a little request as well. If somene has Ruby-EFL packages or PKGBUILDs, I'd be very glad to have a look at them. Contact me at if you have them.
Finally we can get e17 again. 8) Ty.
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
What,s the status for e17 now then? I tried it a while back and it wasn,t really useful. I used e16 for a while and really liked it, using openbox atm because it's faaaaast.
I see many people are doing working e17 repositories, so I'll discontinue maintaining my unofficial repo. I made a tarball containing all the build files of my CVS packages, I hope other packagers will find them useful - I've done a lot of work on dependencies and other stuff. It's here > (please copy the URL to the address bar, or it won't work).
Of course I'll keep maintaining packages in the AUR.
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7 Trusted User
"If I were more modest, I would be perfect"
Yay, the new, fast repo should be up and running
Add this to your pacman.conf:
Server =
Then, all you need to do is pacman -Sy e17 and it should download all the dependencies.
EDIT: I'm uploading e17-cvs-050705-1.pkg.tar.gz again as it was corrupted. Everything should be allright in ~40 minutes.
EDIT#2: It should be alllright now, so please download the packages from the new server. Yes, it's really faster 8)
very nice, thank you Dreameen and Lord Death upgrade going mucho speedier.
No problem. I'm going to use it soon as well. Just to get my new hdd so i can finally move everything to arch.
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
Thanks dude, your repo owns !
Not to get anything wrong, Dreameen did all the work. I'm simply giving him a place to put it in.
Thanks to Dreameen. 8)
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
I'm glad that the packages are on a decent server
Oh, I forgot to mention that if you want to install additional packages like: eclair, evidence, should do pacman -S e17-extra. To list all the packages in e17-cvs repo, you would do pacman -Sl e17-cvs.
And one more thing, I've also uploaded some themes, and iconsets for e17. You can download them here:
I haven't been able to figure out what expose is. Maybe someone can 'enlighten' me. Haha, get it? enlighten?
It's an idea borrowed from Apple's Expose:
Basically, it makes little thumbnails of all the windows on your pulpit and you can switch to any open window by clicking on such thumbnail. The version I put in goodies works good if you have xcompmgr up and running. Otherwise, I wouldn't try it, it's too slow without xcompmgr running in the background.
It's an idea borrowed from Apple's Expose:
Basically, it makes little thumbnails of all the windows on your pulpit and you can switch to any open window by clicking on such thumbnail. The version I put in goodies works good if you have xcompmgr up and running. Otherwise, I wouldn't try it, it's too slow without xcompmgr running in the background.
wait...its faster with xcompmgr?
Eh? E16 already does that, and FVWM can be configured to. Personally I find that mode of iconification annoying... I much prefer the middle-click menu, as seen in Openbox and E17.
Yay, the new, fast repo should be up and running
Add this to your pacman.conf:
[e17-cvs] Server =
Then, all you need to do is pacman -Sy e17 and it should download all the dependencies.
EDIT: I'm uploading e17-cvs-050705-1.pkg.tar.gz again as it was corrupted. Everything should be allright in ~40 minutes.
EDIT#2: It should be alllright now, so please download the packages from the new server. Yes, it's really faster 8)
There is an extra dot in de URL.
Also, the pacman database archive in the server seems to have the wrong path, i think its missing the /e17-cvs/ part.
Did you give any use to Rensel PKGBUILDS?? those are going to be the official ones when E17 comes out, so it might be good to check them just in case you are missing something.
Thanks for taking the time for the builds!
Doesnt seem to miss any part in the database, the problem was that the DB has the e17genmenu pkg, but the pkg its not there.
failed downloading /e17/e17-cvs/e17genmenu-0.1.8-1.pkg.tar.gz from HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
error: failed to retrieve some files from e17-cvs
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
There was a dns change so for some people the url didnt work without the dot (i think). It should work for everyone now with or without the dot.
As for e17genmenu yeah it seems that it isnt on the server. :?
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
the pkgbuild that lies in Goodies/expose is not made for expose, it is made for e17genmenu, so there might be a little screwup there -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17