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Ah thats good to know. Atm i dont have that much time tho, so xfce4 will have to do till i get time for exploring next week.
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
For those of you that are building your own packages, I have come up with an extremely simple script that builds all the packages (tell me if I missed any) and separes the pkgbuilds from the "finished ones"..
Just change the e17path to your liking and check so that all your directories match those in the script..
have fun and hope it helps you dreameen (but my guess is that you already made a script similar to this) I have only tested it on my computer with my locations and so on...but it should work...
UPDATE: Updated the script to a smaller more effiecent one
UPDATE2: well, I have updated the script, although not in this thread, look here for any changes regarding the script:
# This is a simple script to build e17 and some of the applications that #
# are needed or great to have together with the script #
# Made by: CyberTron #
# With help from Dibblethewrecker #
echo "Creating directories, if the exist, otherwise I give an error"
# Change to your liking (packages will hold the finished pkgs)
mkdir /home/cybertron/pkgbuilds/e17-test/packages
mkdir $e17path/packages/e17-$(date +%d%m%y)
build=$e17path/packages/e17-$(date +%d%m%y)
libs="eet edb evas ecore embryo imlib2 edje epeg epsilon esmart
emotion engrave ewl etox imlib2_loaders"
echo "Building necessary libraries"
e17="entice entrance eclair e17 engage erss e_utils e_modules e17genmenu
elicit embrace enterminus epsilon equate evidence examine"
for app in $libs ; do
cd $e17path/$app-cvs
mv *.pkg.tar.gz $build
rm -r src pkg filelist
echo "Building E17 programs"
for app in $e17 ; do
cd $e17path/$app-cvs
mv *.pkg.tar.gz $build
rm -r src pkg filelist
echo "Done making e17-cvs"
[/url] -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Ok, here's a short guide to get your menus rolling in e17:
First download one of the iconsets from here:'s/
Extract the one you've chosen to ~/.e/e/applications/all
Now they should be visible in your menu editor. You can drag&drop 'em wherever you like.
@CyberTron: Yes, I have a similar script that is doing pretty much the same thing as yours. I have also added pacman -U *.pkg.tar.gz to upgrade each package after successful compilation. Thanks for sharing that with us 8)
@Dreameen: Figured that was your way of making the packages It does makes it a lot easier and faster -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Oh, and about those missing icons in evidence. The default evidence theme seems to be b0rked, so run evidence with
evidence -T <theme_of_your_choice>
You can see the available themes by navigating to /opt/e17/share/evidence/themes
There is also 1 additional theme that i'm currently using, you can download it here: … ce.tar.bz2
Put in the above mentioned path and launch evidence with evidence -T gant.
heres my problem now:
[sgillespie@SG-Arch01 ~]$ sudo pacman -S e17-cvs
:: group e17-cvs:
e-cvs e-opengl-cvs e_modules-cvs e_utils-cvs elicit-cvs embryo-cvs
engage-cvs entice-cvs entrance-cvs examine-cvs
Install whole content? [Y/n] Y
:: embryo-cvs-070705-1: is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] Y
Targets: e-cvs-070705-1 e-opengl-cvs-070705-1 esmart-cvs-070705-1
e_modules-cvs-070705-1 e_utils-cvs-070705-1 elicit-cvs-070705-1
embryo-cvs-070705-1 engage-cvs-070705-1 entice-cvs-070705-1
entrance-cvs-070705-1 examine-cvs-070705-1
Total Package Size: 50.5 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] Y
:: Retrieving packages from e17-cvs...
failed downloading /e17/e17-cvs/examine-cvs-070705-1.pkg.tar.gz from HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
error: failed to retrieve some files from e17-cvs
[sgillespie@SG-Arch01 ~]$
edit: looking through the repo there is not 070705. just 060705. That could be a part of the problem. I'm going to try something real quick. I'll get back in a second.
heres my problem now:
[sgillespie@SG-Arch01 ~]$ sudo pacman -S e17-cvs
:: group e17-cvs:
e-cvs e-opengl-cvs e_modules-cvs e_utils-cvs elicit-cvs embryo-cvs
engage-cvs entice-cvs entrance-cvs examine-cvs
Install whole content? [Y/n] Y
:: embryo-cvs-070705-1: is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] YTargets: e-cvs-070705-1 e-opengl-cvs-070705-1 esmart-cvs-070705-1
e_modules-cvs-070705-1 e_utils-cvs-070705-1 elicit-cvs-070705-1
embryo-cvs-070705-1 engage-cvs-070705-1 entice-cvs-070705-1
entrance-cvs-070705-1 examine-cvs-070705-1Total Package Size: 50.5 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] Y
:: Retrieving packages from e17-cvs...
failed downloading /e17/e17-cvs/examine-cvs-070705-1.pkg.tar.gz from HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
error: failed to retrieve some files from e17-cvs
[sgillespie@SG-Arch01 ~]$edit: looking through the repo there is not 070705. just 060705. That could be a part of the problem. I'm going to try something real quick. I'll get back in a second.
Everything worked fine for me so I'm not to sure why it doesnt for you.
How about you try pacman -Sy instead of just -S? :?
I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.
Try again with pacman -Sy this time, just as Lord Death suggested.
If i install e-opengl-cvs, will i be used by default?? Or should i load,start,edit,... something in order to start e17 in opengl-mode
It will be used by default. I'm not recommending it though, but hey, you can always revert back to the software version. 8)
i got it to install by listing all the packages besides e-opengl
Only problem is, my ibar is not there.
[sgillespie@SG-Arch01 ~]$ evidence -T gant
evidence: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This is becoming a nightmare
Are you sure you have imlib2-cvs installed?
Euphoric: Follow these steps as a first step
1. Have you searched for the file, so that it in fact exists
2. Have you updated your to include /opt/e17/lib ?
3. Have you done a ldconfig ?
4. Are you sure you got imlib2-cvs installed?
5. Repeat first step.
Your ibar can get enabled by using
enlightenment_remote -module-load ibar
enlightenment_remote -module-enable ibar -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
I have uploaded 2 e17 themes featuring cool, pyramid-shaped clock. You have to see this clock for yourself 8)
Draemen, do you want my macosX inspired theme as well? it is built ontop the gant theme, but changed to look a little like macosX?
it will take a minute or two to upload it to the server
EDIT: Should be there now -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Okay now I can load evidence, i just reinstalled imlib2-devel-cvs
And I should specify. I can load my iBar, but its like there is nothing in it. I can edit the menu with engage, but nothing fills in. I've logged out and back in...but its still not there...also anything i can change in engage, does not change my menus. The favorite applications menu is also MIA.
Euphoric: The menues/ibar and everything really, is made out of eap, make sure you have some eap's in /home/yourname/.e/e/applications/all
Then there are hidden files .order in .e/e/applications/favorite -> for menues
.e/e/applications/ibar -> for Ibar
and so on...
try looking into those files and see if you find what you wanna have -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
@Euphoric Nightmare:If that doesn't help, try removing your ~/.e directory alltogether. It should recreate the config files upon next login.
@CyberTron: This is a very nice theme you have there. I'll upload it to goodies right away.
@Dreameen: Thanks I worked with it very hard *smile*, well, the one who made the Gant theme is the one who made all the work, I just changed it to my liking (at the moment) -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Sweet! it worked!!! I have a fully functioning desktop now.
Is there any way to make it so I have more eapp's? or a way so that the ibar stays on top?
there any way to make it so I have more eapp's? or a way so that the ibar stays on top?
Yes, legout just made a bash-script for exactly this kind of thing (look for todays post in user contributions)
Ibar: well, it can't be on top, none of the modules can, because they are drawn on the background, however, recent e17-cvs supports different maximizing methods
Set the maximize policy. OPT1 = FULLSCREEN, SMART, EXPAND or FILL
enlightenment_remote -maximize-policy-set OPT1
Get maximize policy
enlightenment_remote -maximize-policy-get
Where smart is the one you wanna use -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
That is sweet. I keep reading about an iBox thats supposed to be sort of a task bar, and theres something in e16 thats kind of like a task bar. How can i get myself one of those?
That is sweet. I keep reading about an iBox thats supposed to be sort of a task bar, and theres something in e16 thats kind of like a task bar. How can i get myself one of those?
Well, the thing is there are two ways, you can have engage loaded as a module, and that is somewhat of a taskbar (you have to activate the taskbar funktion) although, it is yet far from good, i don't like it,
instead, there are Ibox, which is a module that takes your minimized windows and then it basically does what ibar does (but backwards if you know what I mean)
in e16 this is called iconbox.
You get it by using, once again,
enlightenment_remote -module-load ibox
enlightenment_remote -module-enable ibox -> Linux Help portal for Linux and ArchLinux (in swedish)
Dell Inspiron 8500
Kernel 2.6.14-archck1 (selfcompiled)
Enlightenment 17
Draemen, do you want my macosX inspired theme as well? it is built ontop the gant theme, but changed to look a little like macosX?
EDIT: Should be there now
It looks pretty nice CyberTron
Arch GNU/Linux 0.7.1 (Noodle)
Linux 2.6.14-archck1