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#1 2012-02-08 22:39:21

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

So I did not realize that Arch Frame work did not support Grub 2 install.

this is the wiki I am using

the command I am having problems with is
cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/install/etc/resolv.conf

the directory /tmp/install/etc did not exist, so I created "install" and "etc"

Now I am chrooted into my system, The command Pacman -Syy will not proceed because it is having trouble finding the sites

any help on bringing my network at this spot, or what my next step should be?

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-20 18:40:23)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#2 2012-02-08 22:56:47

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok, I am just reinstalling, if I select the packages grub 2 from the package list will it implement it?

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#3 2012-02-08 23:10:13

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

double post*

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-08 23:11:25)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#4 2012-02-09 01:17:08

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

I seem to remember the instructions are wrong in the wiki. I think your new system is mounted under /mnt rather than /tmp. So if it is at e.g. /mnt/new or whatever, copy /etc/resolv.conf to /mnt/new/etc/resolv.conf where /mnt/new is the mount point of your new system. You're just trying to get a copy of /etc/resolv.conf into the corresponding place in the new install, I think. So wherever that is, there it goes.

I don't think that choosing the grub2 packages will implement them, no. It will just install them in the sense of making them available. You'll still need to use the wiki directions to install and configure the bootloader.

Obviously, you'll need to exit the chroot system in order to copy the file and then chroot in again and proceed. I think the reason pacman can't find the site is probably the missing resolv.conf. It should be able to find it once that's in place.

CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions

Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L


#5 2012-02-09 01:43:11

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

Yea that's what I figured,  This wiki is very disorganized and is missing clear paths.

*Scratch that I figured out the difference.

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-09 01:44:40)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#6 2012-02-09 01:49:28

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok now I am supposed to run the command

# modprobe dm-mod

here is the output

libkmod: index_mm_open: no such file or directory
libkmod: kmod_search_moddep: could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.0-ARCH/modules.dep.bin'

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#7 2012-02-09 02:23:11

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

Ok so I figured out that

is actually supposed to be


which is my current kernel that was just downloaded. How am I supposed to change this? I tried to re install kmod, but that just gave me the errors

[root@archiso /]#
warning: could not get filesystem information for /bootmnt: no such file or directory
warning: could not get filesystem information for /cowspace: no such file or directory
warning: could not...                                        /sfs/root-image:  ......
warning: could....                                             /sfs/lib-modules:  ..
warning: could ..                                              /sfs/usr/share:   ....
warning: could ...                                             /boot/mnt: no such file or...

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-09 04:00:44)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#8 2012-02-09 04:44:00

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 1,239

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

mich04 wrote:

Ok so I figured out that

is actually supposed to be


which is my current kernel that was just downloaded. How am I supposed to change this? I tried to re install kmod, but that just gave me the errors

modprobe looks for modules in '/lib/modules/`uname -r`/'. As you are booting from a live CD, you are running 3.0-ARCH, not 3.2-ARCH. As you don't actually want to load modules for the 3.2 kernel, try bind mounting /lib/modules/3.0-ARCH/ to /<chroot>/lib/modules/3.0-ARCH/ (from outside of the chroot).

mount {,<chroot root>}/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -o bind

Last edited by Stebalien (2012-02-09 04:44:18)

Steven [ web : git ]
GPG:  327B 20CE 21EA 68CF A7748675 7C92 3221 5899 410C


#9 2012-02-09 12:20:31

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

but, I am chrooted in my system. shouldn't that eliminate that problem? Is the livecd still part of the system when I am chrooted in? because in my mind I am in my system just editing grub.

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-09 12:21:14)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#10 2012-02-09 12:28:24

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

When I enter that command it gives me

"-bash: chroot: No such file or directory"

I am outside of chroot, I thought about it an dI do understand what you are saying. The CD is still running the show in this state.

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#11 2012-02-09 12:43:30

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

I also tried
mount /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -o bind

The error of that was

mount: can't find /lib/modules/3.0-ARCH/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#12 2012-02-09 13:36:36

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok so was I supposed to make a bios boot partition? I was just watching some videos on youtube, I am running gtp that is why I am using this process.

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#13 2012-02-09 15:40:38

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 1,239

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

mount {,<chroot root>}/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -o bind

expands to

mount /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ /your-chroot/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ -o bind

You need to run that command along with the other mount commands before you chroot.
From the wiki, this

cd /mnt/arch
mount -t proc proc proc/
mount -t sysfs sys sys/
mount -o bind /dev dev/

becomes this

cd /mnt/arch
mount -t proc proc proc/
mount -t sysfs sys sys/
mount -o bind /dev dev/
mkdir lib/modules/`uname -r`/
mount -o bind /lib/modules/`uname -r` lib/modules/`uname -r`/

Steven [ web : git ]
GPG:  327B 20CE 21EA 68CF A7748675 7C92 3221 5899 410C


#14 2012-02-09 23:15:10

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok I reformatted and went through the install again skipping bootloader,

here are the commands I did

#aif -p partial-configure-network
< eth0

#cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/install/etc/resolv.conf

#cd /mnt/arch
no such file or directory

#mount -t proc proc proc/

#mount -t sysfs sys sys/

#mount -o bind /dev dev/

#mkdir lib/modules/`uname -r`/
mkdir: cannont create directory `lib/module/3.0-ARCH/` : No such file or directory

mount -o bind /lib/modules/`uname -r` lib/modules/`uname -r`/

did not work since no mount point exist.

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#15 2012-02-09 23:38:07

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 1,239

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

#cd /mnt/arch
no such file or directory

I didn't realize that the chroot and GRUB2 wiki pages differed on this instruction. You need to cd into the directory where you mounted your root partition. In your case, that should be /tmp/install/. Please don't copy-past commands blindly; you won't learn anything and "no such file or directory" is a pretty good indication that something went wrong and that you should stop to investigate before moving on.

Steven [ web : git ]
GPG:  327B 20CE 21EA 68CF A7748675 7C92 3221 5899 410C


#16 2012-02-09 23:50:29

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

I am really am not copying and pasting blindly, I look at the command read everything around it and than execute what I think it is supposed to be, if there is a lack of information I try to research it. I also it took me a long time to to research and come up with a plan on utilizing my ssd. /tmp/install is not correct either. the wiki is wrong. I am sorry to be snappy. I believe that I am also in the directory where my root was mounted, although I did not execute any commands to do that I assume that the arch install did.

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-09 23:54:06)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#17 2012-02-10 00:43:53

Registered: 2010-04-27
Posts: 1,239

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

-- edit: Or just forget all of this and modprobe the module before chrooting (face<-palm).

Based on the installer source code, your root partition should be mounted under /mnt. However, if it isn't, the command 'mount' will tell you where your root partition is mounted.

cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/install/etc/resolv.conf

Should be changed to

cp /etc/resolv.conf /your/real/chroot/etc/resolv.conf

Also, you don't need to reinstall every time; you can follow the directions at to get a chroot.

If your root partition is mounted under /mnt instead of /tmp/install, please tell me so that I can update the wiki.

Last edited by Stebalien (2012-02-10 00:48:20)

Steven [ web : git ]
GPG:  327B 20CE 21EA 68CF A7748675 7C92 3221 5899 410C


#18 2012-02-10 02:10:26

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

The wiki definitely should be updated. As I mentioned above, the new system is under /mnt/<something> though I forget exactly what. Definitely not under /tmp, though. That's why I said the OP should adapt the cp command for resolv.conf. I remember doing that because /tmp/install/etc didn't exist and my new system wasn't at /tmp/install.

Edit: I realise that I had so many issues due partly to my misunderstandings (I didn't find the uefi install instructions very obvious at times although most of the documentation was excellent) but mostly to buggy firmware, that I wrote scripts to do the pre-chroot mounting etc. I therefore have a record of where I was working. I installed in November, I think. I don't know if things have changed since.

My new root was definitely mounted at /mnt. So cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf is probably right? And the wiki should reflect /mnt rather than /tmp/install as appropriate.

As I understand it, you definitely need to modprobe before chrooting into the new install because you need to get the module that matches the kernel you're booted from.

ok so was I supposed to make a bios boot partition? I was just watching some videos on youtube, I am running gtp that is why I am using this process.

It would be better to follow the wiki than go by videos on youtube.

Are you trying to boot in bios or uefi mode? I assume from your other comments, uefi. In that case, you don't need a bios partition. On the other hand, if you want to boot in bios mode, yes, you do need to create a bios partition. Read the "preliminary requirements" section of the grub2 wiki page - it tells you what is needed for each sort of setup on a gpt disk.

You need to follow the grub2 installation instructions in the wiki in the stated order. If something doesn't work, don't go on to the next step until you figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. Things will not magically come right if you ignore errors on the way and it will be very difficult for people here to help you if you aren't working methodically.

Please post the exact commands you use and the results you get in the order in which you do them. Stop if you get an error and address that before proceeding.

Last edited by cfr (2012-02-10 02:23:11)

CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions

Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L


#19 2012-02-10 17:21:04

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok, so I switched to the Archboot cd, since it already has gdisk and such built in. Now I have been reading all morning about UEFI, and bios my mobo is  AT3IONT-I   which I do not see anything about UEFI. The reason I was switching to GUID partition table was because I have an  OCZ Vertex Turbo OCZSSD2-1VTXT30G SSD, and I thought that maybe a change might be good to help prolong the life and get better performance

When I first installed Arch I just stayed with a basic partitioning scheme and the defaults, so that I could learn Arch a little. Now I am ready to re partition my hard drive and get things a little more secure and efficient.

Maybe showing my partition scheme will help. So what path do I need to take bios or uefi, and why?

Previous Partition Scheme

/dev/sda ssd
    1  100M    ext4    /boot
    2    30G    ext4    /root

/dev/sdb external usb IDE hard drive
    1.  4G      swap    /swap
    2.  196G   ext4    /home


/dev/sda  ssd
    1  100M    ext4    /boot
    2  20G      ext4     /root
    3  10G      ext4     /home

/dev/sdb  USB External IDE Drive
   1  4G         swap    /swap
   2  4G       reiserfs   /tmp
   3  4G       reiserfs   /var
   4  188G    xfs         /data

/data is for multimedia I figured with the large file sizes xfs would handle it better. I would have put /data on my ssd, but there is not nerly enough space for all my multimedia. I moved /tmp and /var because of suggestions on the read/writes. I moved /home to give it better speed.

So deciding between UEFI or Bios if I do get a hard drive over 2 T (which is possible in the next couple of months) which one should I choose?

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-10 17:21:32)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#20 2012-02-10 17:32:44

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

This will also be the only operating system on the hard drive

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#21 2012-02-10 20:16:42

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok, so I did something bad....when I reboot it is just bringing a black screen an displaying grub. I even tried to use arch's automatic partitioning....I can access both drives with fdisk and gdisk. I think it might be the mbr although gdisk does not say it is corrupt ...

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#22 2012-02-10 22:18:37

From: Cymru
Registered: 2011-11-27
Posts: 7,156

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

What partition maps are you using? I'm assuming you're planning to use GPT for the SSD?

How much RAM do you have? If you have plenty, consider using RAM for /tmp.

I assume "/root" is "/".

I'm far from expert, but I would make /var larger especially if you prefer not to live too dangerously as pacman will store a lot of stuff there, including previous versions of packages you might want to roll back to. At least, that's my current understanding. Just from the wiki. YMMV so take a look yourself.

Do you need to hibernate to disk? If so, is swap large enough?

You may not really need swap if you have plenty of RAM or not as much, anyway. There seems to be some disagreement on this.

Regarding your last post, I don't understand what you've done or tried to do or what point you are at. You gave a proposed partition scheme which suggests you have not yet installed. (Although I thought you had already installed.) Are you using fdisk/gdisk from the CD? You don't give any details so it is impossible to guess what you've done or not done.

Last edited by cfr (2012-02-10 22:29:13)

CLI Paste | How To Ask Questions

Arch Linux | x86_64 | GPT | EFI boot | refind | stub loader | systemd | LVM2 on LUKS
Lenovo x270 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz | Intel Wireless 8265/8275 | US keyboard w/ Euro | 512G NVMe INTEL SSDPEKKF512G7L


#23 2012-02-10 22:54:33

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

here it goes,
I had switched over to Archboot, because it had gdisk on the cd already and had the ability to install grub 2
made the above proposed partition with the addition of  a   1M bios  at the beginning of the drive After going through the Archboot setup I selected grub2-bios for the bootloader no errors. I exited rebooted Black screen with the word grub. I went back into Archboot fired up gdisk, and converted my drives back to regular mbr instead or eliminating guid tables. I than went through Archboot's setup once more, for prepare disk I selected automatic partitioning, for the boot loader I selected grub-legecy. my thought was that I would just restore it to it's original configuration. It said successful in all areas I rebooted this time I had a black screen with seven "grubs" and hard disk error at the end.

I dug the arch linux network install cd out of the trash popped it in, went through the install set up my partitions with fdisk selected the grub rebooted and now everything is working great. I don't have my drivers converted to with guid tables nor do I have grub 2, but my system is back again. Would you like me to expand on anything?

My ram is 2 Gig 512 is for video, and I use about 250-300 when my system is setup.  yes /root is /

i did have my system install, but I saw that Archboot had a grub2 and gdisk built into its installation so I downloaded that thinking it would be easier than trying to chroot, that is when things fell apart further. I am proaboly going to read more about this later. It pretty much sucked up my whole day today though....

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#24 2012-02-10 22:56:00

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

I take that back I just rebooted my machine and now it is throwing out the black screen with "GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB _ "

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


#25 2012-02-11 13:31:10

From: Illinois - United States
Registered: 2011-10-25
Posts: 390

Re: Grub 2 with ssd [solved]

ok using the wait and solve problems as they arise method, I went through the install using Archboot, I converted my drives to GPT, partitioned, installed packages (which said created image successfully), from ftp/htp source, configured  the system, and now I am on install bootloader. I selected grub2-bios, here is what it is saying

Couldn't find

it than downloads freetype, fuse and grub2-bios from pacman.

than it ask where I need to install the grub2 boot loader I select sda, which I assume will put it in the 1 M spot that I made into bios fs type.

Is this correct so far?

Last edited by mich04 (2012-02-11 13:31:29)

I love computers, networking and Arch Linux. Sometimes I might ask a stupid question, but please have grace with me like I would with you.


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